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Everything posted by TK1491

  1. i will dissent and say hard hat liner, all the way. it provides me better circulation than foam against my noggin by far. I end up with a half-inch or so of space between the top of my head and the bucket and it's great. Plus, it comfortably holds the bucket in place well so that when I turn my head quickly, the bucket goes with it and stops with it without continuing to spin!
  2. repositioned the faceplate tonight. I was looking for more, even whitespace below the brow, and a corrected angle relationship between the face and forehead. always bugged me that the nose looked cocked back and out of alignment with the forehead... I modeled it after the dude on the left: before: after: I realize it will never be perfect, but I figured I could always go back to the other drill holes =). Contemplating curving the bottom of the eyelids...I'm afraid to trim em into an arc though...no going back on that one
  3. I actually just put snaps in my new black connectors today and it seems to be workin just fine. one day I'll change em out to white just like the film...
  4. AWESOME!! And hey for what it's worth, I'll certainly offer to ease Scott's burden with future photoshop work like that. I'm pretty well versed in it. Consider it my small contribution to the effort, ya know
  5. ooohhhh me like much better. messing with the figure scale...
  6. thank you sir lol hey check this out: this: plus this: equals...this!
  7. yep I definitely plan on doing that. I just need to make new connecting straps and attach the shoulder bell snaps to them to completely free up the top straps. In fact I think I'll make new straps like I did above, only in white instead of black, and attach a snap to them. Currently my shoulder bell snaps are connected to the white ribbed straps...not good! It's on my list of to-do's
  8. Ultimately, I think I'm going to make this mod even more sturdy and attach the shoulder bells to them completely, and turn the white straps into strictly cosmetic pieces, just like the orig's. Too much stress on my white straps right now... The above mod will certainly help me in the short term, but I'd like to completely bypass them for the support function. You guys ever notice how the orig dudes have little ( i think ) zip ties holding the white straps on? plus you can definitely see the white under-straps. <a href="http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y213/star...HDTroopers3.png" target="_blank">http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y213/star...HDTroopers3.png</a>
  9. Tnks Paul! Lookin forward to the ranks growing!
  10. here she is! Ask and ye shall receive: In all it's HyperFirm-ness:
  11. LOL you mean this fine groove to the swingin sounds of the gospel choir? http://s60.photobucket.com/albums/h11/Sl22...nt=DSCF0880.flv Terrell and I can BOTH be seen jamming here: Weird Al concert, Jackson Michigan. I'm the second trooper from center on the left, T is all the way to the left:
  12. LOL Shepperton puts red dots on the right-side pieces and green dots on the left-side pieces for those who can't tell right from left If by "snug" you mean tighter to my neck, I did trim an inch or so off of the chest piece tabs to make it ride higher on my chest. That's the only mod I made to that... One thing on the SDS armor...the forearm pieces are on small side. I mean, they fit me perfectly. But I have smaller forearms. Can't imagine someone with beefy forearms fittin into it without shims.
  13. thanks guys! yes indeed, that's a romfx with three SFX buttons I have: button 1-TK radio chatter 1 button 2-TK radio chatter 2 button 3-laser blast
  14. Okay I think I'm in pretty good shape for ANH status... Lemme know guys! a shot to show no side gaps! your review would be greatly appreciated =) thanks
  15. Yep...I decided to do just that. I bit the bullet and trimmed that sucker right off. There goes the last hurdle before applying for elite status...(hopefully)
  16. Hey I need suggestions here. I may be trying to use the ammo belt portion of my belt assembly to use with my canvas belt, which means I'm gonna need to separate these two pieces somehow. I don't really feel like drilling the rivet heads off if I don't have to, but I thought I'd ask you guys for advice on methods/ approaches? I wonder if theres a way to keep the back portion on right behind the front part, and attaching that o the canvas somehow...? hmmmm **scratches chin**
  17. After recently having to replace a stressed and cracked shoulder strap, I decided to try this little mod. I started by applying two industrial velcro strips to a rigid sheet of plastic, hook side up. Then I trimmed the plastic right to hte edge of the velcro, so I ended up with a plastic-backed velcro strip. I then applied the fuzzy velcro to the chest and back plates (black, to remain invisible if seen) the rest is self explanatory...hopefully this will give a little extra strength. Have any of you guys had to do something similar, and if so how did you do it?
  18. According to Matt (TE)--and I know this cuz I asked him 2 days ago and got a response yesterday LOL-- Rustoleum Appliance epoxy is the trick. Here is his reply when I asked the best way he knew to finish his HDPE's: So there you have it, straight from the mastah.
  19. position pics...what can I say I'm a skinny dude. I get a wraparound holster. In fact, it will actually be even more toward the back than these pics show...by about an inch (till where the forward strap is just behind the ab plate seam)...and that is with the edge of the ammo belt right next to it. I guess I need to eat more cheeseburgers.
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