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Everything posted by Quebectrooper

  1. ohhhh man those are nice i wish i could roll in them like a bowling ball.
  2. Nice kit. I see your snap is in the middle of the tighs. The drop boxes are supposed to hide the elastic straps so move that snap and that will cover it. . Pat
  3. Rolf i've been a very good boy this year, can you send me that kit for x-mas?
  4. Nice! So how much would cost a complete kit like that one?
  5. I never sit on hard chairs . I make sure its soft or i put a jacket over it.
  6. Firebladejedi doesn't know this cause he has an FX kit with the plastic belt !
  7. Looking at screen references i don't see any overlap and velcro method like we do to attach the belt behind the detonator. Was it attached in the front under the plastic belt?
  8. So what are they from? Mine are door liner stuff and look the same. I notice they are high and the leaf rakes are rounder. Which are screen accurate?
  9. Right on Mike, that's how i feel. Want it or not this is Showbiz. Once you put your suit on your doing a show just standing there. Don't tell me Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca ) Lando and other special guests don't get paid for coming over and just rely on selling photos and autographs. We don't charge for a good show and it should be free for us!
  10. An event coordinator asked us if we'd like to troop at his next event but we'd have to pay to get in and to set up our table . All of the events i've done so far with my Garrison we had all of that for free with a room to change and sometimes a free meal. Some members of my Garrison on a forum said they'll do it anyways but if we start that, all the event organisations are gonna charge us. I see that we are important at those events and the public appreciates us. I charge a lot of money for my circus show at special events but i troop for free as a 501st member and i believe we should have a minimum of things like free entrance and a free space for our table. Come on ! What is your opinion.
  11. should i go to MEPD or someone here done it? Glue or rivets? Ketchup or mustard?
  12. Nice job Jason. Yes you should take a sandpaper and trim the eyes a little more. On my AP i didn't like the bump on the right eye so i heated up the bump and flatenned it down a little but many just leave it to be movie accurate.
  13. Yeah man i wear a wig and use e-6000.
  14. You have skills but need to redo that bondo on the ears and just get stickers for $15-$20. Look at www.starwarshelmets.com
  15. Simple. Mine are welded bars along my legs and butt and some have Matrix type leg braces like this: But you need a hole in the ground. I also have this floating faucet in my box:
  16. Hey Mike. Good question. I wanna stop people , make em laugh with recorded funny movie lines, impress them and make em pay. My bike show in the winter is only on stage but there's good money to be made with this statue show in the street like Quebec or Montreal. My step son makes $100 an hour in the summer with a different show where he stands a sprays people with water and farts. I'm not sure if i should use that mask. I'm working on it. I have a floating water faucet where water comes out into a bucket. A remote control tip jar that goes out to people for tips. This is where i got the idea: http://www.lib.umich.edu/files/mblogs/vrc/Johan%20Lorbeer%201.jpg
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