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Everything posted by SW1

  1. Looking good Craig , wise advice from Paul , just gotta love the Hero set up a Paul
  2. Hi Steve i like where your going with this , i to like the design of that holster it kinda reminds me of the one on the Simon belt Tantive Raid yes baby
  3. Looking Good mate , i know what you mean by tricky kit and you cant go wrong using the LFL for referance pics , and take your time its worth it for the end result , thats what iam doing Jesse with my RS PVC , iam defentley have got to use the heat gun on some parts , keep it comming mate the thin drop boxes i kinda like , iam sure there was the odd trooper in ANH with them
  4. Hi Tony , yes mate i see that thread to , and thanks for link , but any way i took the plunge last night and trimmed them back more, still has a very slight droopy look , but more like the helmet iam basing it on , i will put some pics up soon .
  5. Yes i know what your saying Gary , i have been debating on trimming the eyes out more but i just cant get myself to do it yet i so much love that look , but you know me mate i will probley change my mind over night
  6. Iam sure it will Mark you cant go wrong with this kit
  7. @ Paul , thanks mate i think a certain someone had somthing to do with how them Stormtroopers look . @ Rich , Stop , look and , well you know the rest , Dave's a real nice fellow , managed to have a good old chin wag with him , he said to me have i met Carrie Fisher in which i replied no , and he said she is a lovley person , but all being well should get my chance to meet her next year fingers crossed , Dave was also impressed with Karens Leia costume and he did say to me she has a good resemblance to Carrie which was a nice complament .
  8. @ Joey , yes the eyes i was debating weather to trim them fully out like the the trooper iam baseing it on in that classic photo which is my avatar pic , but i have fell in love with how the eyes are so i will leave it how it is
  9. The UKG trooping at Lego shop Bluewater ESB all the way that day
  10. Hi Guys here are some pics from a few weeks ago the UKG surporting David on his book signing , and him being presented with awards for being the most iconic villan the screen has ever know :vader1: .
  11. Hi Joey , heres my manaquine , its a bendy one of ebay its great , stands at 5.10 stormtrooper hight all the right measurments
  12. Cheers dudes really loving this lid a pleasure to build
  13. Many Thanks Lucus , i have some more pics to follow , once i have done some weathering mate Tantive Style
  14. A little update fine painted details done now just need to do some sutle weathering on the the helmet .
  15. Ricky , your luv it mate , i remember my first troop , thinking ohh are the shins ok are the biseps right , but to be truthfull if there is not or any other parts of your armour that dont feel right its great for testing out and then you can make adustments , iam still doing it now after all the troops i have done always tinkering , but the main thing is enjoy the day and lap it all up , you will be buzzing , let us know how you get on mate
  16. Cheers Rob , and thank you for those Ears , i will get pics up this weekend of the completd PVC lid
  17. Well get on with it Man , what you waiting for Christmas , nice one J , enjoy the build and take your time mate
  18. Hi Rolf , hope you and your little boy are keeping well , wont be long till you get your x2 RS kits cant wait to see your builds as i always do , yes mate iam going for the the look of the closes trooper in that awsome pic , with my RS Pvc kit , plus give it some tantive weathering
  19. http://i789.photobucket.com/albums/yy171/ste1972/tantive4rare.png
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