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Rob .T .

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Rob .T .

  1. I had the same issue , I managed to bring the sides in ever so slightly using a hair dryer . My wife has quite a powerful dryer , and I held it about an inch away . I moved it slowly around to get the piece very hot in a strip two inches wide , and the full depth of the butt piece . Then by hand I held it slightly past the desired position for a couple of minutes until it had cooled sufficiently . <br>

    Do it a bit at a time .

  2. If you want to print anything larger than a keyring , an not have to spend ten hours sanding the surface , you need to be spending several thousand pounds on one . The small hobby units are rubbish . <br><br>

    That's why people send the files off to commercial printers . In the USA shape ways is popular with prop builders, I'm not sure of the U.K. Equivalent , but a friend of mine is regularly building printed guns and small props using a uk printer .

  3. As this gun was only used in one photo session , and never in the movies ( by a stormtrooper ) , is it a clearable sidearm for 501 events ? ( I'm assuming not )

    As the trooper in the ad photos wears a hero helmet , surely no stunt helmeted TK should ever consider this gun ?



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  4. The cheapest way would be to make some formers yourself and buy a used vac forming machine .

    Making a fan film with little or no budget isn't going to work if you need twenty grands worth of props.

    One suit of armor, two helmets and creative editing could work like bone said ,but let's be fair , if you hadn't worked that out yourself , and presumably you hadn't , and you aren't sure if you need ten or twenty , maybe you need a bit more forward planning before you commit your finances to a project of this magnitude .



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  5. Did they manage to salvage the moulds from the skip ( dumpster) in England in 1980 by using a time machine ?<br><br><br><br><br>

    Or did they just buy a suit off someone who has access to an original suit , and recast it ?

  6. I think we all agree that morally it's best to steer well clear of original stormtrooper , almost everything he claims on his website is lies. ...he certainly has no original moulds , that's been proven many times .<br>

    If you want accurate armor , trusted vendors , and shipping direct to the USA , why not try RS Propmasters in the uk ? They do ready to wear suits , with no modifications required .

  7. Personally I'd re drill the hole got the left side one and move it in slightly , hoping to get it to mimic the right side one , which looks fine . Maybe , if it won't sit right , you could sand the base at a slight angle to get it to sit pointing out , rather than pointing in .

    Is there any mesh in the end of the tip ? The mesh should be silver , if there is any mesh in your tips it looks white ????



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  8. RS , as far as I know, don't sell their blaster except for part of their ready made suits . However , I have one . It's black resin over an aluminium tube . It's cast directly from a real sterling . It comes with ally mount and resin Hengstler and scope . It doesn't really need painting as its black resin .

    I customised mine by adding the visible spring and an inner forward barrel .

    I would say that straight out of the box it's centurion quality , but I'm no expert .

    However, if you want one , you have to buy the complete armour .

    There is a build diary on here covering my modifications , it's in the ANH e11 section , or hunt my profile for posts I've made to find it .

    Hope this is helpful



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  9. I don't understand what you mean about armor being difficult to get . Many people offer abs armor, all over the globe . What country are you in ? <br>

    Whatever you decide , stay away from fiberglass armor . It's far more difficult to work than abs , will probably need filling and painting , and will almost certainly be a recast .

  10. It's a great kit . <br>

    A tube of superglue and some Matt ( or satin ) black paint are all that is needed to produce a fabulous blaster .<br>

    Personally I've upgraded to something amore screen accurate , but for easy safe trooping , a Hasbro with Doopydoos is what 90 percent of members use for day to day trooping .

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