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Rob .T .

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Rob .T .

  1. There are other costuming groups.

    As I dont just specialise in Star Wars, I have never needed to join the 501st . I troop as a TK and with other groups, and also with my other costumes/props regularly .

    This doesnt stop me enjoying this web site , nor does it stop me participating in this forum.

  2. The armour was definately not pulled on one sheet. You can see in the photo that the sheets are approximately 8 foot long judging by 8 helmets lined up on top of one of the sheets. The sheets in the photo contain the arm and legs pieces, no torso, so they would have been done on a seperate sheet.



    The helmets, in my opinion, were formed seperately too. AA would have had reducer plates for his machine to accept smaller sheets of plastic, or perhaps a smaller machine to do the job. I also belive that all the helmets you see in this photo are the job lot. The most Stormtroopers I have counted in one scene is 26/28 (not entirely sure without going back and watching) which is the total we see above (roughly).


    My guess is that the hero is a new mould made specifically for the close up shots and I believe that there was only one stunt mould too.


    Another interesting thing about this famous photo is the ammount of paint already scraped off some of the helmets, one on the outer right of the pic has practically no paint left on its lower cheek , and you can see how one helmet in row 3 is scraping the paint off the foregead of the helm below it ..in front of our very eyes ! :o

  3. Pop Rivets available in the U.K. back then would have been 1/8, 3/16 or 5/32 however , this measurement refers to the shank that goes through the hole, the head size would depend upon manufacturer. I guess a 1/8 or 3/16 rivet could have a head size of 3/8 . ????

    It depends upon weather you want the inside or outside of the helmet to be screen accurate I suppose. :lol: Im guessing they were 1/8 pop rivets , as thats the most common size, with a 3/8 head . ??? but maybe 3/16.


    Simons anh helmet has lost its rivets , it only had one per side by the looks of the holes, and the indent into the plastic indicates there was a strengthening washer on the inside of the rivet .

  4. I always assumed the marks had been made with a thumbnail ... that`s what it looks like on Simons original anh helmet , maybe it was a kind of "signature" ...who knows, maybe the original thought was that a small indent detail would go in there and cover the mark up .

    It certainly isnt a bump , just an oval mark in the original mould. The inside of Simons helmet picks it up nicely (as it would, seeing as it was formed OVER the mould).. It isnt a smooth little oval line , its jagged ..like a (long ?) thumbnail was pushed into the clay in stages , forming the oval.



  5. Back in the 70`s in the U.K. , red colo(u)red primer was known as "red lead " or "red oxide" .A left over from the days when rust proofing undercoat was allways red in colour . Ainsworth used red coloured undercoat underneath the white top coat on the background helmets which were made from green hdpe plastic.

  6. "he is the messiah..."


    I think we ought to remember that this thread will be read by a lot of American troopers who casually read the Fisd. They famously dont have the same grasp of the sarcastic or absurd as we Europeans do , and will probably believe everything written , and that Paul is a recaster. Maybe its time to eddit this thread in Pauls defence ?

    Just a thought ...............

  7. I also have a laser in my E11 But dont use it for trooping ...why .. ? When you are wearing green lenses in your helmet , you can not see the red dot ..the green cancels out the red. You never know weather its on or off , and as you cant see it , run the risk of hitting some poor kid in the eyes,,... not good.


    The only real use for a laser in a hasbro is for playing with the cat ...they love chasing lasers.

  8. The Prop blog was sent the pictures it featured by someone without permission to do so .

    Those pictures are now "out" and the owner is now O.K. but disapointed about that .


    However the discussion on the Prop Blog is totally fictional , and no credit to Dan Benton.


    The suit is still in the posession of its original owner , who is undecided weather to sell or not .


    The owner has given permission for these photos to be published,to show its is complete, but at this moment isnt ready to enter into discussion about the suit details or sale of the suit.


    If and when the decision is made to sell the suit , more photos may be released to allow prospective purchasers to view it .





  9. zoidbergo, Ima ssuming you havent trooped in teh helmet yet , You will allways overheat stood still , but you will find that most of the time when out trooping , you are constantly on the move , and the circulation of air cools you down , I allways fog up in my helmet when I first put it on , but after moving a few yards it allways clears and usually stays clear (and cool) whilst Im moving .

  10. Buy a new voice changer helmet and take the bits out a tad more carefully ??? ;)


    Im guessing that reversing the power wires fried something on the board. Remember this board is made to go into the helmet and stay there, its not a hobby store "build it " kit , those kinds of things are built to take bad wiring etc and survive..because they are made to be built by people as fun experiments. The Voice changer part isn`t , and will have no safety circuits and everything in it will be the cheapest part to get the job done. Sorry mate.

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