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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Jancelot

  1. I'm still chipping away at these updates, but progress has been made. Removing the knee plate is proving most challenging as, apparently, my gluing is highly effective. I don't want to crack anything so I've been working on it slowly as I've had patience. I've made several passes at the kindey/shim seam line. I started with polyseamseal but didn't like the color. I then made some ABS paste and sanded it down with 3 levels of grit. Let me know what you think. Cheers.

    • blaster scope - reduce weathering

    • blaster seam line sanding

    • blaster handle - remove weathering

    • blaster t-tracks - remove weatering

    • smooth the transition between armour and shim with putty or caulk
















  2. Update: I took a breather for a bit on this project to research and put together a staff officer as well as redoing a table for the nursery. I'll be back on this one by Wednesday and start chipping away. I've already sanded the seams on the blaster, made the vertical cuts on the knee, acquired the paint for the blaster and the caulk for the shim seam.

  3. It's Krylon. I'll check at the hardware stores for replacement nozzles this week. Thanks!


    *edit: Dday nailed it. It has a little white plug that apparently is the "fine" mist spray and can twist from side to side. However...I thought it was just a shipping containment device and I removed it. Ugh. Reading for context failure. I'll update after I give it another go.

  4. It wasn't cold to the touch, but it has been off and on chilly (per usual) here in San Francisco. Yesterday was a warmer day so I thought I'd give it a go. I ordered this second can online so it might have been improperly stored or shipped as well. The first was bought locally, though. I'll try soaking in warm water next time to see if it helps. Otherwise I'll chalk it up to a short run of bad paint luck. Thanks for the info!

  5. I haven't had this issue with spray paint prior to these last two cans. But instead of a nice fine mist the paint is coming out in clumps/blotches. It also pools around the bottom of the nozzle and starts running down the side of the can. I shook the the stuffing out these guys prior to usage as well. Did a bit of Googling but thought I'd hit up the experts for some tips.

  6. Snowie armor is hard to come by these days as both Laws and MonCal have huge wait times. I have no experience with Laws. My suit is MonCal and, while I can't say they are upfront on the time, I have found them to be responsive to my emails. I went in with utmost patience as I was expecting a prolonged wait time. However, I'm not qualifying that as a good way to do business. I much prefer the way the TK makers go about it on these boards.


    Bobamaker has been working on his TS molds for a fiberglass kit and is nearing completion (lacks backpack and canister). I have no idea about his turnaround time, though.


    Best of luck to you.

  7. MonCal is now offering excellent suits. Usual patience required due to high demand. I have a couple of these on order.


    Costumebay's suit will get you basic 501st approval. Worked for both my crewman and gunner. Don't get the belt, though, as the buckle won't pass. VaderDave's are excellent.

  8. Thanks Mathias. Raising the belt is an easy one. Could you elaborate on which points? I have the following:

    • knee plate alignment (going to take my time here as I had slathered the E6000 on)
    • blaster scope weathering (in progress)
    • blaster seam line sanding (in progress)
    • raise belt in the back
    • smooth the transition between armour and shim with putty or caulk (in progress)

    Was there anything else of note?


    Is this a good cut line for the knee plate?



  9. David, thanks for the info. Which areas did you sand? I ended up using a small riser to slightly increase the angle to align the angle of the sides of the plate with the top of the shin (build thread linked in my sig). The counter-effect was the slightly offset left side visible in the photos. While I certainly will continue to strive to have my suit be "perfect", I'm curious if this is an official blocker at this point. If it's not desired to sit this way I can remove the shim and fit it more in the fashion I see in your thread (another excellent AP build which I referenced during my process).


    Also, semi-flat black paint in on the way for the blaster scope touch up.

  10. Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. You all are definitely feeding my OCD now. :)

    • Scope - I've been searching at the local hardware stores for the correct semi-flat black spray to touch it up. Looks like I need to take a trip to the burbs to a Lowes/Home Depot to find it. It's high on my to-do list. I'll also touch up any other areas as well.
    • Blaster - I'll have a go at sanding/cutting down some of the seem edges down a bit. Nice tip.
    • Buttons - Do you mean the ab buttons? How should they differ?
    • Knee Plate - AP version is definitely designed to sit a bit different. I've already done quite a bit of work as is and am on my second plate (first one was a poor cut decision on my part). I can try more heat if necessary, but I really don't want to risk damaging the integrity or general aesthetics.

    Keep it coming!

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