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UK MEMBERS - Tatooine trip 2010 - Travel buddy needed


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I went to Tunisia for 8 days in 2003 for the 'Trip To Tatooine' locations tour.


It was organised by Mark Dermul, a belgian with lots of experience and knowledge, a friend of Steve Sansweet and other LFL alumni.


He's organised numerous trips in the past, to Finse (Hoth) and at least 4 trips to Tunisia - taking in EVERY SINGLE location, from the Lars Farm igloo, to the Cantina and Mos Espa set, which is currently being slowly digested by a colossal dune. In a very short time it'll be lost forever.


Anyway, the thing is - there are about 15 places left. A lot of americans and europeans will be coming, I'd like to make up the UK contingent. And I'd like a fellow UK guy or gal to travel with.


Full details here:




It's reasonably cheap, not luxury accomodation, so don't expect the hilton! but if you're a SW nut you'll be buzzing. Jeeps, rocks, deserts, camels, motor scooters and millions of photos and SW geekery.


Anyone wanna join me?


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Wish i could.......

At least try to see if u can get armor by them, that would be a oportunity of a live time to visit theses place in armor............

* Imagine what that would be like ...........

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Holy crap! :o


I would LOVE to do something like this! The odds of me being able to pull it off are slim to none, but a guy can dream.

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Did some of the locations back in 2005 :










as sson as the kids ( Lucas and Leia ) are old enough to appreciate it properly we will be heading back over to do it again. :D


Have a good time mate, and don't forget to check out the Life of Brian locations at Ribat, Monastir.Oh, and the coliseum at El Jem. B)

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