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Could use some help... (couldn't we all?)

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I'm having some issues with my FX kit. I did some over-trimming on the top of the thigh pieces and in the bottom of the calf bits, which has resulted in very large gaps between the plastic parts. I'm thinking that the best thing to do would be to simply replace the thigh pieces and start them over, from scratch. Suggestions or ideas? Anyone know where I could get replacement parts, used? Also, I have a MR helmet, but my neck is short, causing the helmet to ride on the chest piece, which makes it difficult, if not impossible, to turn or even move, my head. I have already submitted my application to the 501st, but I want to make sure my armor will meet 501st standards before submitting the photos. The blaster, equipment belt and thermal detonator are in their final stages of completion and I am waiting on my holster, so those will also have to me finished, as well. Any suggestions or constructive criticism would be appreciated.




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It looks like you did take a lot out of the back.. why did you do this as you look fairly tall i dont think you would of had any trouble with mobility?


As to clearance that will be down to your gml, have you asked for any help at your local garrison?


If you want some replacements, try to find tuperware tk on here :)

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There's a shorter trooper looking for armor (xxcombzxx) who might be willing to take those thighs off your hands.


As for the helmet, did you try adding a little more padding to the top? You can either strip the padding from a child's t-ball helmet or get foam cushion for WalMart and then use an X-Acto knife or sharp scissors to trim a large piece for the crown of the helmet and shave it down to about 1/2" thick or so. That should still allow you to see out of the lenses and give you a little more clearance.



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I am actually not that tall, the picture is deceiving. I am 5'8". I did take way too much out of the back. Mobility was a big factor in the trimming. I guess not so much when standing or walking, but when sitting, kneeling or even climbing stairs. I began assembly before I got my boots. When I would bend my knees, the thigh pieces were pushing down on the calf pieces, causing them to dig into my feet. I believe, now, that my problem is that the thigh pieces were too tight and I didn't get them mounted close enough to the crotch. Hindsight is 20/20, right? I think I just got a little overzealous in attempting to make my FX kit look like a AP. Is that like pitting lipstick on a pig?


The helmet fits perfectly on my head. I did experiment with some padding. I ended up taking out the 1/2" padding that came with it, in order for me to be able to see out. Also, I noticed that the chest piece is sticking out a bit, because the top of the ab plate is pushing it out. I think if I bend the top of the ab plate in some more (already bent it some), that the chest piece will fit closer and might allow a little more clearance of the helmet.

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The originals had a bit cut out of the back too:



Actually that's pretty minimal cut out. If you look over and over again, there should be minimal amounts of blackness.

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