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TX21928's Galactic Armory R1TK Stormtrooper Helmet build

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Hello everyone, greetings from Peru!!

I recently began my journey to make a Rogue One Stormtrooper helmet. My main goal is to learn the art and techniques necessary to refine a 3D print into a 501st approved prop and eventually (who knows) a whole new armor for me.

As I said in the title, the file comes from Galactic Armory (https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/1603252278/armadura-de-stormtrooper-de-rogue-one?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=galactic+armory+stormtrooper&ref=sr_gallery-1-5&dd=1&organic_search_click=1)

This post can help him improve his 3d model with the feedback we will collect here.


I also took some time going down the rabbit hole and learning the details of this helmet such as: differences between this new version and the originals, Nick Henderson's 3D file, etc.

Here is my bibliography:









The filament I used is PETG, it is stronger than PLA and heavier, this makes it perfect for heavy work.

Here are some pictures :



Compared to my Shadowtrooper helmet




I continued with the build. I glued all the pieces together, applied automotive filler, sanded, and also applied Rust Oleum primer to see how things where going:

(It has toilet paper in the holes, I don't want to spray on the black paint inside)



Now is the part where I see what could be improved:

From what I've seen in other posts, the vents on the sides are too small to be accurate(Reference from TKModder421https://imgur.com/7Xnq8aa)

That's why I carved each vent on the left side from the original 0.2cm wide to 0.3cm and the length from 1.5cm to 1.7cm:


Still, I think I need to carve even more


The square surrounding the cheek vents could have a smoother finish on the edges: (Reference from Parquettehttps://imgur.com/ejFq1eD)



Lastly, I think the square in the back could be larger and with rounded corners:(Reference from Parquettehttps://imgur.com/DgL69B7)




I'll continue sanding it and waiting for your feedback before painting it. :salute:

PS: Here is the link to the Imgur album if you want to see the helmet closer:




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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey there! I plan on starting my own galactic armory build soon as I finish up with other projects. Following this with interest!


One thing that you're going to have trouble with is the abdomen armor, with the back plate. In the model it's physically fused with the back of the abdomen armor, which if you want to keep the one piece part of the crl is going to make it near impossible to get in and out of, in addition to being an accurate.

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