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Commission build from RS - what do I need to consider?

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For those of you who have followed some of my topics recently, you’ll notice I have done a bit of toing and froing on whether I should build  the suit myself or getting the commission build. In the end, I’ve decided on the latter and after extensive research, I will be ordering from RS and strongly feel this is the right choice. 


If anyone has ever ordered a commission build from RS, I’d be interested to know how you found the process (e.g. sending measurements, adjustments you’ve had to make when receiving the suit etc)and if there is anything I need to consider?


I know there will be a longer lead time for the build due to their recent fire and this doesn’t bother me. I am interested though on how much work I will need to do at my end once receiving the armour, what after sales support they offer (if applicable) and if I can achieve Centurion level with 501st.


Thanks all. 

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I did a RS commission and I would do it 100x over. They are amazing. I’m not much of a builder and I work long hours, and I enjoy the trooping aspect more anyways. I had my TK in about 6 weeks and the measurements you need to take are super easy to get. Plus the quality of their builds is superb.

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RS is awesome. When I was first trying to join the 501st, I was not aware of this site and had no idea how to build a TK so I went with a commission build.


It was easy to send the info for sizing, they send you an image of where exactly they want the measurements made. they only really size the limbs to your measurements even thought they ask for measurements pertaining to the torso.....which is probably for what size undershirt they need to send you.


They do not mess around/size the torso area. I was not aware of this. My interpretation of what the RS website was that it was custom made to your measurements (which I assumed involved one of the largest areas of your body, the torso)


When I received my kit, I was swimming in the torso, the thighs fit, but they were a little wide and long. The shins and arms were perfect. I emailed them asking them I believe there was an error as the chest and torso armor seemed way too big. RS responded that they didn't alter those parts and that I could try wearing a sweater underneath.  


RS kit right out of the box:




I still got approved for basic but after a few troops I really wanted/needed it to fit me better. So I stripped down the strapping system and adjusted and reshaped as best as I could.

After awhile I adjusted what I could and put it back together:





Do I love my RS kit? YES


Was it easy to send the required info and order? YES


Did it fit me? Partially


Would I recommend? If your torso is similar to the size the armor was meant for.....then 100% yes all day everyday. 




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Thanks for the detailed overview, Potato. The sizing of the torso doesn’t really bother me. I know some adjustments will need to be made somewhere. Was there any cutting involved with your adjustments? That’s where I lack a bit of confidence as I’m not really a DIY person, hence the commission build. 

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Thanks for the detailed overview, Potato. The sizing of the torso doesn’t really bother me. I know some adjustments will need to be made somewhere. Was there any cutting involved with your adjustments? That’s where I lack a bit of confidence as I’m not really a DIY person, hence the commission build. 
I ended up trimming an inch from each side of the ab plate and kidney plate and increased the curve of both pieces with hot water/heat gun.

That being said, I have seen people pull an RS commission kit out of the box and have it fit them very well.

I guess it's all going to depend on your body size. Unless you have have a small body frame like me, theres a good chance the kit will fit you very well.

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That’s good to know. I’m sure if it came to more complex adjustments, I’m sure a local armourer will be on hand to help me. Appreciate the advice, Lord. Hope all is well in the USA - miss that place.

Sent from The Empire

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8 hours ago, TrickyT81 said:

That’s good to know. I’m sure if it came to more complex adjustments, I’m sure a local armourer will be on hand to help me. Appreciate the advice, Lord. Hope all is well in the USA - miss that place.

Sent from The Empire

I wish I could tell you with 100 percent certainty if this was the best route for you. It's a big investment and for the most part.....my experience is the most negative review that I know of and my negative review isnt even that bad. I don't regret it one bit. It did suck since I paid a lot of money for it to be build only for me to spend a lot of money on supplies to tear part of it apart and adjust. The cool thing about RS is that you can always buy parts incase you damage something if you did have to modify. And thank you! Things are going okay in the US. It's been interesting here to say the least. Ha ha. If you do end up getting the fully built TK and absolutely decide you need to adjust, I'd be more than happy to send you pictures and steps i did to achieve a better fitting kit. I gotchu ;)




Also if you decided after getting the built RS and in the future you wanted to build your own......you have a professionally built kit to use a very accurate reference. 


Edited by Lord_Potato
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With the exception of one costume I've pretty much have built every other. There's something satisfying about doing it yourself then taking it to L2 and L3, very rewarding. This is strictly my opinion of course.  The FISD will support you either way you decide to go. 

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