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Strapping / Rigging Question

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Hey all.  Its been a long time, and I mean a LOOOOOOONG time, since I spent some quality time here on the detachment forums.  I've got an aging TK thats over 8 years old.  Its pretty beaten up and worn out, so I've started building a new one!  Back when I built my first kit, I didn't do EIB (and Centurion wasn't even a thing yet).  But I'd love to build my new kit to EIB & Centurion standards.  I've got a question for you more knowledgeable guys before I get too far into it:


Is there an internal strapping requirement for EIB or for Centurion?  Will an application for EIB or Centurion be denied on the basis that the internal strapping is not identical to the screen used strapping methods? 


I know that for both EIB and Centurion, pictures of the internal strapping, etc are required. I ask because I'm planning on using the split rivets and button snaps in all the required places, but I'm *not* planning on actually using them for the structure of the kit.  I intend for them to be for accuracy only, and I'm planning on using some other strapping and attachment methods.  Would this work?  As long as all of the visible exterior details are present and correct, are various internal strapping methods acceptable?


Thanks in advance!  :duim:



Edited by Ramblin Trooper
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Welcome back, Brent, and awesome to hear that you are aiming for Centurion on your build!  Strapping methods can vary, but as long as they hold everything in place correctly there are no hard and fast rules, (although you do have got my interest piqued with the "other method")!

Hopefully you went with one of the "vetted" armorers we have listed, https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/11538-the-various-types-of-armor-and-where-to-find-them/as there are a LOT of sellers online who's kits are recasts and not eligible for approval,  https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/19329-where-what-and-whom-to-avoid-when-buying/


If you should have any questions, just let us know!!





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My old kit was an AM 1.0.  The new kit is AP.  :smiley-sw013:

Anyway, this is what I'm doing.  I've added some shims to the sides to bring the gap down to less than 1/4".  Pretend that I've already installed the split rivets, etc.  

side 1.jpg

Rather than use narrow straps from rivet to rivet, I've made some large webbing panels, with velcro on each side.  I tend to think this is more durable than 1" elastic with holes punched in it for rivets.  I've done this for several other people in the garrison, and they've had good results.

side 2.jpg


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