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Rapstertee's AP Build - July 08[*AP]

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Terry almost there mate just some adjustements on the straps from what i can see.


A tip for the TD that will help is to shape the strips like this.The picture is from my old RT-MOD kit,but i will do the same for the AP.The velcro is just to save the ABS from scratches and cannot be seen from the outside.




The shape of the strips stops the TD from riding up off the belt,it sort of clamps the belt at the bottom.

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Ok mate,theres just two.I think the shoulder bell tops need to sit higher so theres no gap from the shoulder bridges and the bells.

Your biseps are also to high.The black elastic that goes round your arms should sit on at the bottom of the open u shape of the biceps ,there shouls be almost 3/4 showing out the bottom of the bells.


Thats about the only things,chest looks spot on with good space from the ab buttons,and the legs thighs look nice and high. Have you got a stap from your cod to the butt (between your legs lol) that will help stabilize the lower armour.

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Hi Stuka,

I'll see what I can do about the bells - i kinda thought they might be a bit 'far out' but I'm not entirely sure I can shortenthe connecting elastic any further.. the problem is that the bells are so pinched (much more so than an FX) that my shoulders just push them away. hmm, will try to fix that...


You're right about the biceps - I left them too high up - pulling them down a bit will fix that.


And yes, i do have a strap from butt to cod - the thing that might help is cutting and hinging the cod - at present it's still connected to the Ab section so that might need looking at.


I still think I need to cut the thighs (where the red dotted line is on the photo) as they're hitting the cod and not providing me with very much movement.


Anyway, I painted the TD today, will bend the strips as per Stukas tip tomorrow.





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the one way round your thighs hitting the cod is to strap them so that the centre line of the thigh is closer to the drop boxes.I wouldnt cut the thighs mate,just move the straps that hold the thighs up further apart.I take it they are connected to a belt or are they connected to your cod?


The thighs on all suits tend to turn in so the straps further out will counter this and stop for the most part from hitting your cod.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Yes,and there it is three months of white plastic.Very well done mate.I take it these are your 501st pictures.I hope for the most part it was a good experiance?


For the most part, yes, it was. Still things to do - I need to try and stop the right shin from turning inwards, and also bring the shoulder bells closer in. apart from that everything's cool.


I was wondering about the value of an assembled finished suit - I'll post this question elsewhere, but do you think a finished suit with blaster, undersuit, boots etc would be more expensixe to buy than an unfinished one? I'd think so due to the labour and skills involved, but what do you think?


Cheers mate!

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Thisa is the last stop I think.


My Trik Toys Amp arrived today, - it's great. No complaints at all - nice n loud and I don't miss the static burst - I can do that in my lid along with the trooper-style US Accent. (If I was a clone it's be AUS / NZ accent)


But if anyone out there is wondering about rom FX or the slightly cheaper Trik TOys, I'm here to say its a good bit of kit - no worries. Nice white (ish) speaker box to velcro onto my belt too. And tons of wire.


I took the headset apart (it snaps together/apart, so no breaking or cutting needed), and temporarily taped into my lid. adjustable volume means you can get it nice n loud.


Only thing I might add is a break in the wires so that I can disconnect the lid from the rest when I'm putting my neckseal on. Might make it easier.


Other than that - I'm happy! Fans may come in later, but for now, I'm just about done.


Awaiting clearance now.


TK - ???? signing off! :salute:

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