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Special requests?

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Good day all!


The day finally arrived when Rob from RT-Mod notified me my spot on his waiting list had come up!!  Seeking the wisdom of you experts, is there anything special that i need to ask of him beyond his basic armor?  Any upgrades that I should just pay now for to get them done that I should include in my order?  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks and have a great day!



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Measure twice, cut once, then throw-up.  :)  Seriously though, like Captsafe said, read up as much as possible.  Looking at EIB and even Centurion threads in addition to others' detailed build threads cuts down on the anxiety and improves your assembly.  If you do  your homework, this is not only not too hard but quite fun.

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Chad buddy, good to see you back in action - and getting ready for a big brown box!


I only hope that the recent list shake up moves me forward considerably! 


Based on our previous discussions about our intent with the builds, I'd suggest the following...


From talking to another RT waitee (who's armor is probably just about finished, if Rob contacted you about starting yours) one thing that I would make sure to tell Rob is that you want to use butt-join/cover strip construction, as opposed to overlap.  As you know, Rob trims the armor for you, and the new EIB/Centurion requirements state that overlap construction is not allowed. 


Do not get any decals on your helmet, so that you can either paint it yourself, or use the "hand-painted" decals - either of which will also be necessary when you move up to EIB/Centurion. 


Don't forget, since you're going to do a Hero build, to get those mods done to the helmet, if possible - ear attachment and teeth are different, remember.  :D


Last thing I'll mention - and it is dependent upon your desires - when my turn comes, I intend to ask if he will paint the inside of the helmet black for me, since he assembles it.  That way, I don't screw up anything that he has done properly, trying to make my novice improvements.


You'll have to let me know how the process goes for you.  I'm excited that you're getting your armor done up soon!!  Can't wait to see that the big brown box has arrived!

Edited by Dark CMF
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Yeah I know I took a little time off around the holidays.  However I'm back and now excited that this is finally happening!  Luckily I found all these fine folks that are more than willing to help us newbies out!


Good info on what specifics to give Rob.  I had already made notes about the helmet mods and was going to bring those up to him.  The painting of the inside of the lid black is a good idea also!


I've been wanting to get into this for years now and I just can't believe that it's finally going to become a reality, can't wait to get out there and start trooping!!!!



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Oh yeah got that noted! I'm starting to get excited shooting for EIB build and hoping I can pull it off. It's tough reading the threads without the stuff in front of me to physically see!


I build guns for the Air Force so I'm sure cutting and trimming some ABS should be easy compared to cutting steel!! 😃



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