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Paul's TE2 building thread[*TE]

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We did a test fitting last weekend. Most everything is good, just tweaks left. I asked Wyatt to see what he can do with snaps. My efforts at making them with styrene failed as the spare material I had was too soft to take the snap. I'm pretty confidant it will see action my next troop.


The big hold-up is just getting time - the final adjustments take two people (e.g. myself to hold the part, him to measure) - and my free time on weekends has been pretty slim.

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So how much time have you put into the armor compared to FX? Did you have to paint the armor pieces? Can you see where I'm going with this?

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The difference between TE and FX? No comarison. Besides the fact that TE is HIPS, as we all know, yhe TE requires a lot of work to get it trooping. Sanding, heating, forming, filling, cutting, gluing painting. I like the look of it. It's the closest I've seen to troopers in the movie. Paul tried it at our local armor party and it looked good. Paul can speak for himself what he thinks of my armory skills.

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It's definitely a lot more work - and I put in some hours of my own. However the end result is stunning, to say the least. Wyatt's skills are *amazing* - many parts were formed with a heat gun to improve their look. It's damn near perfect.

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