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Possibly time to TK again! Advice wanted please.

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Hi guys and gals,


As you might remember, I was forced to sell my first TK kit (AP) about a year ago. Sad to see it go, but it became the first armour for a new UKG trooper, so it went to a good home. I've since spent the last year putting together a BIker, which is now cleared (TB-2135).


I still miss my TK though.


I still have my E11 and AP bucket which are fine, but I need the rest. Now, although I'd love me a set of TM, theres no way I can afford it. All I really want is wht used to be called an FX-Lite kit. A nrewly-cleared TK in the UK has told me of a place to get such a kit at under £275. (armour only, no lid or boots)


But - is there another option that is more accurate for the same price? Or same (FX quality) quality for a better price?

Bear in mind I'm in the UK.


I could do with some options and prices, if anyone can advise. I remember the FISD was the most helpful site I've ever joined. I hope this is still the case!





Edited by rapstertee
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Ata has just announced a cost effective Abs version of their kit



you should contact the makers directly for pricing.

Edited by gmrhodes13
link not working, removed gmrhodes13 2021
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