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Lost during Shipping - SFS Stormtrooper Helmet

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Sold this, shipped it... apparently lost or stolen. If anyone sees anyone with this helmet in their possession, please let me know, as this is to be considered stolen goods!




Please keep an eye out for it, please.

Regular Version grey SFS.


Edited by gmrhodes13
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That's a real shame Carsten I hope it turns up.


I have wanted one of these for a long time, and if I had just bought one and it too got lost, I would be pretty pissed. Was the package insured?

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Yes, insured and with tracking, but apparently Danish Post calculates reimbursements on international packages based on the weight of the package and not the value of it. I'm learning something new each day about this craptacular only option to send stuff internationally where I live. It just makes me want to puke. I had them search for the package and they couldn't find it and decided to pay out the insurance... but here's the kicker... I get $63 + shipping expenses for a $525 valued shipment. That's how much the insurance from Danish Post amounts to. Now... how in the hell am I going to live with that? My package is lost, meaning... that helmet is gone... and buyer would most definitely like his money back... so I have to pay... and guess what... that's doubly loss for me... and Danish Post can just sit there in their comfy chairs laughing their asses off because they are a big company and there's basically nothing I can do about it.


Right now... I consider Danish Post as thieves who stole my package, as it got lost in their possession, and because of their thieving reimbursement rules for international shipments. I just feel sickened. It is something you would expect from a seedy criminal racketeering business... but I guess that's exactly what they are.

Edited by Too Much Garlic
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Hey Carsten


So Sorry for your lost. I hope it turns up, I really do. The SFS is a real beauty. I do not blame to be ungry with the Danish postal service, $63 dollars compensation for that helmet is very insulting. I totally understand your frustration. Best of luck in this matter.





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  • 3 months later...

Well, it's been a few months now... I guess it's safe to say that some postal worker is walking around with a nice fiberglass stormtrooper helmet laughing his an impolite person off.


Looking forward to the day when gps tracking devices are cheap enough to be put into packages, so they can be tracked to where ever the stealing scum takes it. My fight with the postal system isn't over. They still owe me money for losing my package.

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Hi my friend.


I really hope it shows up for you.

But the danish post system are not the best.

Last year, the send back a sci-fire MG-15.

This was a limit run of only 10 guns made, and i got one...

or not, because they send it back to the US, because they think it looked too real.

Well for one, its was all black rubber, not painted, not drill out holes, nothing function on it etc.

Well my shipper got it back, all destroyed.

The danish post office would not cover my lost..

so i sold the damage gun, lost some cash on it.

And sweet talk sci-fire to make another one for me special.

They did, and it came through the second time... Ppheww what a nightmare :huh:

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