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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Brattie

  1. I'll post it as soon as I get home.. I took out the top pad which is in previous pictures and added other grey military pads to the back and sides
  2. First thing first... Lastly.. I adjusted my bucket pads. I found that totally removing the top "Meat" pad from the bucket moved my eyes up further and made it easier to see.. I know this isn't the idea thing.. but I did add padding to the sides here and there and a little on the back to try to balance out the bucket more. Now I can spin my head around with very little movement or obstruction of the eyes... will see how this does for a bit.
  3. Hey Davie.. don't worry too much.. that's what Garrison mates are for.. reach out to your local Garrison for help.. they have Armor parties and such.. see if you can find someone closer to you so you can get some help.. it was amazing fun and great advice and I had nothing at the one I went to but my bucket!!
  4. Couldn't agree more Jason.. but I'm off to deal with the Units .. AKA My Parents.. this weekend for Mudders day.. Laughs
  5. Garrison mates cleared it up .. so letting ya'll know too.. it does carry over the Letters just change.
  6. Question to the 501st Universe.. If I end up with my Jawa done first.. I am going to apply for my 501st application.. should I select the ID I want? Like if I want TK-70926 as my ID.. would I set up my Jawa to be DZ-70926?? How does that work? Advice would be great as it looks like my Jawa might be ready before my TK is.
  7. Shhh.. it's a secret.. I swear my Garrison is going to kill me for doing a Jawa backup.. laughs.. "Great another tall Jawa" chuckles
  8. psst.. the jawa is coming along too!! hehehehehe.. shhhh
  9. Build date: 1020340506-abs80.473sh.... (AKA Page 38) Not to whine.. but wow.. Health Warning... Making this kind of leap of faith can be detrimental to your health. Laughs.. Since the day I made the choice to purchase my trooper gear I have only been sleeping 3-4 hours per night.. (tracked via Fitbit) and being restless 14-25 times a night with an average of 3 times fully awake per night. After months of this it has really worn me down. I have tried everything to help me sleep better, but I don't know if it's the excitement of it all, the stress and worry of the up and coming tweaks or pressure to get 501st approved to join all my new friends or what it is.. it has been a real battle. It all caught up to me and dealt me a blow of a great little cold again.. so.. last night I went to bed early.. and although it was an all night battle I managed to get almost 6 hours of sleep... I woke up feeling more rested than I have in ages. Now if I could just get rid of the feeling of wanting to vomit all over the place I'd be awesome. Laugh.. Anyway.. another day of work.. and I think I'll push for another early night tonight to try to recharge again.. I have tried everything to help me sleep and get rest. Adjusting my sleeping pattern, exercising more, being more active all around.. doing all I can to wear myself out. Could it be the stress I'm under at work, home and with the thoughts on my Armor???? I don't know.. I do know that 3-4 hours a night for the past 3 months has really taken it's toll to the point of almost being sleep deprivation. I swear I have tried everything to help me sleep and it's just not working. I shouldn't have to battle to get rest.. Last night I went to bed at 4:30pm. I know.. I get up at 3AM for work so keep that in mind. Anyway.. I had to fight from 4:30 PM until 3 AM to get sleep. 11 hours of bed rest to get 5.8 hours of sleep. I've had everything checked because stuff like this could be signs of so many things from heart issues to illnesses blah blah blah.. I think I'm going a little squirrelly! I have tried staying up later, going to bed earlier, adjusting when I eat, drink, water, bathroom.. My room is in complete Darkness.. and I mean pitch black. I can't get fresh air so I've got a fan circulating the air in my room. There is no way I can get complete silence so now I now sleep with ear plugs. I take a hot shower before bed, stay clear of tea and try a little meditation right before bed. Anyway.. it sucks.. so if anyone has any ideas or tips to help a up and coming trooper get some sleep.. please let me know.. Thanks
  10. You just missed the 80's Toy Expo that was in Mississauga. It was kewl. They have another one in the Meadowvale area I think in June. I hope to make that one too.
  11. Fire off a message to the admins. You are still technically working on stormtrooper armor.. even though it's sandy after..
  12. Hahhaa.. yeah.. then I said "Are you sure you pushed hard enough?" and Laughed Was really neat .. I even tried after I knew it was safe... Laughs
  13. Build date: 1020340506-abs80.47177sh.... (AKA Page 38) 80's TOY EXPO! :happy and cheerful birthday: Yep, that's right.. I ... MADE IT! What a great day! It was a blast as always even though I was fighting a cold and not feeling great I managed to get to an event and I became the "Handler". I laugh when I say that as there wasn't much for me to handle. Other than a few runs to the change room and holding onto one of the door keys and a camera. Most of the guys trooping were experienced and knew what they were doing. I went for a walk with one of the TFA's. Not sure on the "protocol" for using names on here as I don't know ALL of their nick names, call signs, blah blahs.. anyway.. He was a great guy with loads of experience and I just basically followed him through a very crowded space.. he wanted me to follow instead of lead.. so he could do his "Finn" movements.. was funny and loads of people squeezed in for a picture. One Over-excited person checking into the hotel of the event wanted a picture in the front lobby with a TK on the way to the change area for a break. The fan was a little over excited and the large gentleman put a Chewie like grip on the trooper.. I just hopped forward and smiled and "ooo not too tight please" the guy looked at me like "oh! sorry" but didn't ease off so... I repeated it again.. and then I smiled "we don't want a squished him". Once I saw he had loosened up a little I took the picture of them. I felt bad for "Paul" that was in his gear.. The whole time he was in this death squeeze I could hear the armor bits squeezing together.. I was like OMG!!... What do I do!!!. .This guy is HUGE! ok! ok!.. He is going to break him!! GAH!!! .. ok.. breath.. just let the guy know he can't be too rough with the poor Trooper.. I chuckled about it afterwards as all was good and we picked up the pace and made it quickly to the change area. I would have to say it was a fun day and not too bad for my first time really "handling" as a helpers or whatever.. Laughs I met so many of the people I've spoken too through FISD and other 501st related groups. I was able to see this REALLY cool badge thing one of the troopers had. It was so neat! I met up with a traitor sandy with an awesome truck (you know who you are Chris!). We've chatted for ages it seems between knockerbot (Eric), this sandy traitor (Chris), and myself. I met another Fett, another guard (BEAMER), THE only Green haired Pilot I know to be in our Garrison (Danny).. chuckles.. I have seen him in a zillion pictures. I also finally caught up with Lobo whom wasn't AS scary this time as last time and finally Pony (Ken) who was on his 300th Troop!! All around awesome time and wow was it hot in there this time. I was dressed for the 8 degrees outside but they had the heat cranked in the expo hall. Thanks to all that once again made me feel so welcome and chat with me. Was great to meet so many more that I've spoken too via these groups and put faces to names. I can't wait to join you all soon! Brattie out!!
  14. HAHHAHA OMG.. that would be SO FUNNY.. ~ Knock KNock ~ Mark: "Who's there?" Me: "Hello it's me.. I was wondering if after all these months you'd like to meet.... to go over.. my armor things... they say it's almost ready, but I haven't seen it yet.. Hello.. can you hear me? I'm at your door dreaming about my armor being complete... when I was ready.. and everything.. now I'm standing outside your door on my very sore feet.. there's such a distance between us.. and 12 parsecs...So Hello from the other side... I've emailed a million times... to tell you.. I'm sorry.. for driving you nuts.. but I know I can be .. a bit of a clutz.. " - chuckles - In all honesty Mark has been great!!!! Truly. No BS. He keeps me up to date, answers emails quickly, answers questions, offers ideas, etc etc etc. It has been an awesome experience working with Mark on this project. It just takes SOOOOO LONG.. but that's the process of everything and the wait lists and all that stuff you have to get through. You can't blame Mark because there has been an explosion of interest in star wars. He warned me about the jump in orders and all before I even placed my order. I will always give Mark awesome reviews because he deserves it. He is a good business man and does what he can within the limits of time and what he can do. The wait is killing me though.. Laughs.. but I know it will end soon enough..
  15. This is how I will feel when my BBB Arrives... So I know it should be here soon.. I know it should be here soon.. I know it sho.. WHY THE HELL IS IT NOT HERE YET!? Laughs ~ deep breath ~ I know I need patience.. I am searching for my happy place... serenity now... serenity now.. I have some patience left.. honestly I do.. I'm being sooo good as I know everything takes time.. I do not want to throw this computer through a window in frustration.. no.. I want to breath and relax and not force choke the hell out of every delivery person that walks by the house.... no.. I want to breath.... breath.... try to breath.. feeling the choking burning anger of misery crushing my very soul as it is deprived of the needed plastic space woman pleasures that are sure to come.. noooooo.. I just need to relax.. be at one with the slow snail pace that everything seems to be going in a world full of things that are now tossed in your face... It's like the sand of Jakku as the engines of the millennium falcon blows past you making it's scorching heat melt your skin and send particles of blood onto the metal debris that surrounds you.. in a dream.. or nightmare... breath... or real life.... breath... waiting for the day that this large cardboard tree killing box will arrive and fill your life with peace and happiness and breath...if you can still breath while you are waiting for oxygen that may never come as the trees were killed in order to create the box that will hold the Armor but you are still ready to run screaming down the street pulling out your hair as you wait.. wait.. WAIT.. ever so patiently.. not nibbling ... no.. no.. EATING your nails.. doing all you can to keep your mind on the happy place within... that place of inner peace... serenity now.... serenity now.... as you fight between the dark and the light and you pause... another drink.. another drink.. another drink.... still the frustration of the wait piles up as you do all you can to show your strength and hold it all together in this very long journey of so many ups and downs trying and testing you to see if you will actually make it to the end and be a part of the 501st and suddenly you realize why everyone you have met in the group is slightly insane and all fit so well together.. and all you need is for the white plastic space suit of victory to arrive in it's chemical soaked dead tree cardboard box so you can finally join them in the world of peace and star wars... and you BREATH.... BREATH...... am I breathing??? And... meditation complete... nothing accomplished.. Can you tell I'm getting anxious? ~ laughs ~
  16. Or perhaps a little like these Ladies.. https://youtu.be/gb0kA8Z9eFM?list=PLcizkGZR21Iz8mWs0QXlIhvPZFGv4CJrp
  17. That was what I think I must have looked like.. 20 years ago! .. now I'd be afraid I'd break something.. Laugh..
  18. oh I have jumped.. ONCE.. and I shall never do it again! There is something unnerving about watching the ground get closer.. I did a lot of crazy things when I was young and thought I was invincible... Laughs
  19. I see no sense in jumping from perfectly good airplanes. I can understand if they were broken.. but are they really so bad that you feel the need to jump out of them!!!?? - chuckles - HEY.. I'm almost 40! I already sound like Skeletor.. and OMG I'm so old I knew who that was!!! Darn Powers of Grey Hair.. I mean skull!!
  20. I am sure there is loads we can do.. and I plan to when I get a little older.. fingers crossed I don't need any of those mobility aids until much older. But if I ever do.. they will be awesome!
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