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About Handyman84

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  1. Based on his description I don't think the scope actually works, but I could be wrong.
  2. Think I am going to be ordering a black cap to go with my armor as well.
  3. Got my two blasters today. Only had time to open them and snap the pics before going to work, and I'll be tied up all weekend, but I'll make time to fiddle with one early next week.
  4. I am watching this closely because I have two of these coming Friday.
  5. I wonder if the DoopyDoos has to kit would help with this thing at all.
  6. Howdy. Yes, your thread is actually the one that convinced me to buy rubies to start out with. Have you found a specific threat or source that you used for reference for what is needed to get these up to spec? There is so much info out there it is hard to sift through.
  7. I am new to this - ordered the Anovos kit and in the mean time I am working on getting the other items to complete the costume. I just ordered 2 of the new Rubies E-11 blisters from target online. Both for less that $30. I am planning on doing one up as basic as I can for approval and work on really improving the second as much as possible. Will update when I actually get the box! Any tips from the pros here?
  8. Hon, that's pretty much what I was planning on doing. We know the suit doesn't come with boots and a blaster, so those are a must. Extras are just going to have to wait I believe.
  9. I haven't ordered anything else just yet. Obviously planning on the blaster and boots between now and the end of the year. Are helmet electronics a must?
  10. Well I did it shortly before the cutoff for $350. This will be my first armor set, and my first costume as well. I am excited. Also a little surprised that I got my wife on board in time!
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