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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by LeMaxim

  1. Thank you guys. =)


    I need the organisation so I have a place to go when I black-out.


    Also a good way for me to better understand the different parts of the build.

    Keeps me busy while waiting for the parts too. :) 


    If it helps any one else too I'd be super happy. :)


    @Derrek: Yeah. Any day now. Still much to learn though. :) 


    @Dan: Let me know when you get started and I'll be sure to follow your build too. It's an exciting world to get into. =)

  2. As a first step in becoming a TK proper I thought I'd start with building myself a BlasTech E-11 blaster.

    I figured I would feel silly as a trooper without a blaster and I will be wanting to go out trooping as soon as my armour is finished and approved (link to build thread will be added when it's available).

    So. While waiting for the armour to arrive I thought I'd start here. 


    After some lurking and researching I found the DoopyDoo's resin kit. Seemed like a fair thing at a fair price. Their webpage, however, left me wondering if they still were in business.

    I did some more researching and finally found Dday's European run of Darth Voorhees' (DVH) E-11 resin kits after having had a lengthy, and enlightening, chat with Nicky. 


    This build is based on the DVH resin kit.

    I could make it simple and keep it to that, but in order to better understand the history and the parts of the E-11 prop I decided to split the build into the individual parts required for it.

    I have tried to arrange the parts in an hierarchical manner to keep parts and sub-parts in some kind of logical order. In the event that I would want to replace or upgrade a part this would help me to keep parts separated.

    Having a background in programming and with a somewhat perverse fascination with data and systems I had to force myself to not put the parts down in XML.


    I've tried to keep it simple by first splitting the parts into Sterling derived (i.e. parts that come from a Sterling SMG) and non Sterling derived parts. 


    I'm not going to rush this build. I have some time until my armour arrives and this will be my first venture into anything like this for a very, very, very long time, so I will try to savour this and make it as nicely as I can.


    I will keep this first post updated as I move forward with the build to give myself and any followers or casual readers an easy overview of the progress and the things involved.


    Please feel free to send me pointers or comments on my progress or any omissions. 

    I will try to document everything as I hope to learn a lot and to contribute in some way. 


    =====General Information===========================================================

    Base: DVH E-11 Black Onyx Resin (BOR) Kit + PVC pipe


    Status: Build started. Cleaning BOR parts for fitting.


    Build Started: 2013-05-31

    Build Finished: not yet.



    Information resources and Inspirational sources: 



    FISD General TK resources thread 

    FISD Advanced ANH Weaponry (E-11 Blaster) thread

    FISD The Best Sterling Templates Ever thread 


    Parts specific

    Targeting Sensors - 3 Central Fuses on E11 Blaster Cylinders (FISD)



    Nicky's DVH build (FISD)

    The5thHorseman's DVH build (FISD)



    [ ][ ][ ] = Individual part or group of parts identified and currently being researched / sourced.


    [x][ ][ ] = Part sourced and ordered 

    [x][x][ ] = Part received and being worked on
    [x][x][x] = Part finished (possibly pending mounting / attachment)

     = Sub-part of above group.

    Followed by part/group name - Source/brand - [Material, if applicable and relevant] OR current status of sourcing-thoughts if it isn't already sourced and ordered.

    (for tools and other material I only use two [ ][ ] levels to mark research [ ][ ], ordered [x][ ] and received [x][x])


    Parts sourcing 


    Sterling parts

    [x][x][ ] Receiver Body - IKEA - [steel]

    [x][x][ ] Muzzle - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][ ] Muzzle Screws - found - [metal]

    [x][x][ ] Front Sight - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][x] Muzzle Shield - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][x] Bayonet Lug - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][x] Ejector Shield - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][ ] Clip Housing - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][ ] Clip Screw - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][ ] Clip Pin - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][ ] Clip - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][ ] Clip Lock - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][x] Rear Sight - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][ ] End Cap Lug - IKEA - [Plastic]

    [x][x][ ] End Cap - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][ ] D-Ring  - DVH - [steel]

    [x][x][x] Stock Clip  - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][ ] Folding Stock  - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][ ] Grip / Handle Assembly

    [x][x][ ] Grip  - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][ ] Handle / Main assembly  - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][ ] Trigger - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][ ] Trigger Guard - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][ ] Selector Switch - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][ ] Grip Screw - found - [metal]

    [x][x][ ] Bolt - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][x] Cocking Handle  - DVH - [bOR]

    [ ][ ][ ] Return Spring


    Non Sterling parts

    [x][x][ ] Targeting Sensor (a.k.a. fuses) - DVH - [bOR]

    [x][x][ ] Scope Power Unit (a.k.a. Hengstler Counter) - DVH / TK Bondservnt - [bOR]

    [ ][ ][ ] Counter graphics

    [x][x][ ] Scope (M38) - DVH / TK Bondservnt - [bOR]

    [ ][ ][ ] Scope graphics

    [x][x][ ] Scope Rail - Dday (included in DVH kit) - [aluminium]

    [x][x][ ] Counter Bracket - Dday (included in DVH kit) - [aluminium]

    [ ][ ][ ] Power Wires

    [x][x][x] Cooling Coils (a.k.a. T-tracks) - Marv (through Dday) - [plastic]


    Other Material

    [ ][ ] Glue

    [ ][ ] Paint

    [ ][ ] …



    [x][x] Hobby Hacksaw

    [x][x] Drill bits 6mm, 9mm, 10mm

    [x][x] Circular/round staff file

    [x][x] Dremel with various tools (sandpaper...)

    [x][x] Power drill on stand

    [x][x] Heat gun




    2013-05-06 - DVH kit ordered

    2013-05-17 - T-tracks arrived

    2013-05-21 - Build Thread started (this)

    2013-05-22 - DVH kit arrived

    2012-05-31 - Build started

    2013-06-02 - Updated the "build plan" to allow for more levels of completion.

    2013-06-23 - T-tracks, bolt and cocking handle fitted. Additional parts trimmed. 

  3. So. On Friday last week I received my first ever part of the big puzzle that is to become my entry to the world of costuming in general and the 501st specifically. 


    I received a small, brown, padded envelope containing 6 T-tracks from Marv ( FISD Link ) as part of my DVH E-11 kit from Dday ( FISD Link ). 


    So it begins. 


    Currently the T-Tracks are sitting on my desk next to me as a teaser of things to come. Not much to do but wait.


    The rest of the kit should be arriving shortly closely followed by a Dday holster ( FISD Link ). 


    So. I think it's about time to leave this introductory-thread and start a build-thread so that I may become a part of this community of builders and creators. :)

  4. Hmm...? 


    I might be going about this the wrong way... but I cannot get the tags to work. 


    Is there a problem with them or is there a new way of searching?


    Since this topic still is pinned I guess it's still supposed to work. 


    Could anyone who knows how this is supposed to work check if it's working or not?



  5. Thanks Mathias! =)


    A short and excited update here. 


    After months of lurking about on Nordic Garrisons forum, here, and several other detachment forums I have finally taken the plunge.


    I have just ordered and received confirmation of a RS ANH TK stunt suit. =)


    Excitement level high and rising. :D


    In the current timeframe I should be able to get started on my build around midsummer. :)


    I'll start a build / status thread here as soon as this excited buzz in my head reaches manageable levels.


    Now the real work starts. :)

  6. Greetings Troopers!


    Please allow me to introduce myself... 


    This is my first post here after lurking around for some time.


    I'm a native of the north of Europe (Gothenburg, Sweden) with family ties in the south (mother from Tenerife, Spain).

    I have lived in the west (Dublin, Ireland) and have a girlfriend from the east (Hungary)...

    So I pretty much feel at home in any of the four corners of Europe. 


    I work with organisational and systems development mainly focusing on SME. 

    I work part time while getting my own company rolling.


    Besides working I am active in the local UNA (United Nations Association).


    Have been a Star Wars fan all my life, which incidentally also started in 1977. I was, however, attached to an umbilical cord until spring 1978.


    According to my mother there were only two ways to keep me calm as a youngling. Putting me in front of a TV with Star Wars or The Muppet Show.


    As a teenager I had my first encounter with vacuum moulding as I was doing a week at a architectural modelling firm.

    When they showed me how they made boat models i had an OMG moment as the white PVC sheet hugged the model and formed, in my mind, a perfect Stormtrooper shoulder bell. 


    Got aware of 501st after having seen a few members of the Nordic Garrison. Started lurking around their forums earlier this year too. 


    After many months of researching basically every kind of costume, some extensively and some briefly, I am starting to get back to where it all started. Here. 


    This week I finally ordered my first piece of my first build: An DVH E-11 blaster kit (by way of Dday after a chat with Nicky).


    So first blood has been drawn. :)


    Currently working out how (financially) and which armour to clad myself in.

    Leaning towards  RS PVC. Liking the sheen of it and I seem to be built as a clone (i.e. 1977 stunt) so it should be a nice fit.


    Apart from Star Wars I also have a special place in my heart for Star Trek, Doctor Who, Tolkien, Coffee, Guinness, and Apple.


    I've always enjoyed dressing up in costumes and acting the part, but I have only one real experience of this. 

    For many years I have been dressing up and being the local santa for the little ones of the family, friends, and neighbours.

    The wonder and amazement in the eyes of the kids is an awesome force to be exposed to. 


    I'm hoping to be able to join your ranks soon and help doing good.


    On the 25th of May I'll be a supporter (first time) for the Nordic Garrison on a troop and I'm very much looking forward to this. :)

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