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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by welshchris77

  1. Name = Chris Lewis 501st TK ID = 11677 FISD forum name = welshchris77 Garrison = Ireland Garrison 501st Legion Member Link =http://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=20978&costumeID=124 EIB Application Link =http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/36395-tk-11677-requesting-anh-stunt-eib-status-anovos550/?p=481163 Armor Maker= Anovos Helmet Maker= Anovos E-11 Blaster= Doopy Doos Height= 6'.1" Weight= 176 pounds Canvas belt= the_tatooine_trader Hand Plates= Joseph Neck Seal= Anovos Holster= Anovos Boots= DIY painted at home Required photos: front Back Left side Right side Abdominal detail Back and shoulder strap detail Helmet Blaster Drop box and belt back Neck seal Hand guard plates Forearm wrist Cod/butt attachment Inner strapping Thigh pack Sniper knee Right ab kidney attachment Thermal detonator Bucket off Action shot Thanks for your consideration.
  2. Just wanted to ask something Tony, can I submit the same pics for Centurion or should I take new pics of everything? I have a better pic of the left side detail of my armor with no gaps by the way!
  3. Thank you Kalani, The mod didn't take very long to be honest but does require some skill, Hope It doesn't cause Tony to lose to much business
  4. Thanks Tony Its funny you should mention the mic tip mesh as I made that mod earlier today as it happens and also posted a tutorial on it to help others http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/36456-anovos-hovi-mic-tip-mod/ I also cleaned up the paint job on the vcoder somewhat probably go back to this to redo some more at some point but looks better than it was! I think my ab plate gap and kidney to back plate gap was more to do with the way I standing and holding my arms up a little too high when taking my pics which was creating the gaps. I will re-photograph that when I go for Centurian. I see what you mean about my scope, it is rather shiny, I will get back to this! I probably could have left my belt holster position as is as you said but it was bugging me as it was hard to reach my blaster when holstered so its been fixed Thanks again Tony!
  5. A quick tutorial on how I modified the mesh on my Anovos hovi mic tips for a more accurate 'coarser weave' mesh. First pried the edge of the mesh with a small flat head screwdriver to loosen the glue and ripped the old mesh out The outer casing of the mic tip is two parts glued together, there was so little glue holding the second mic tip together it came apart in my hands, no problem though as its easy to glue back latter and actually helped in forming the new mesh. The 'sacrificial' sive bought from a euro store (pound store/dollar store), cost 1.50 euro, the mesh is easy to pull away from the frame as they are so cheaply put together! Using the bottom area of the mic tip as a template I marked, with a permanent marker (sharpie) a circle but added about 5/7mm extra around the edge Next use an old scissors to cut out the mesh, word of warning:, if you don't have an old scissors then don't let the wife see you using her good kitchen ones! Next step is to 'form' the mesh into the correct shape using something round and the correct diameter as a 'former', the closest thing I could find was a AA battery, it was slightly small though so I wrapped some masking tape around it until I found the optimum diameter, I then just used my fingers to press the mesh into shape around the end of the battery, having the 'split' mic tip helped as I used this to check the fit by inserting it from the inside out, its not necessary though to do this! mesh formed ready for fitting, you can see the old 'finer weave' mesh on the left Next carefully fit the mesh and superglue into place, if the glue spreads out a bit into the mesh don't worry, it can be carefully poked out of the unwanted areas of the mesh with a cocktail stick or a pin when its dried. Job finished and ready to be refitted back onto the lid, Additionally I changed the anovos screws for heavier ones as they weren't 'grabbing' the tips very well and in danger of possible falling off some day, if you do this though you will have to carefully widen the holes in the back of the tip with a suitable drill bit, this should be done and test fitted before fitting the new mesh in case you did as I did and drilled all the way through the white plug to the front, it was an easy fix though with a dab of abs paste applied with a cocktail stick. Also I reinforced the inside of the lid where the screws go though by glueing two round disks of abs and redrilling the holes. Job done! Hope this helps anyone doing this mod
  6. Nice Kalani, Did you use photoshop to create this?
  7. Good man Kalani, TK91423, has a nice ring to it!
  8. Thanks Brad. I think its more to do with the way I'm standing and also the internal strapping, the snaps are set back a bit from the edge to give a bit more elasticity and movement there, the left side was similar but I also added velcro there to keep the two sides aligned better, may do this with the right side also
  9. Thats good to hear!, At one point I was thinking of using a automotive fiberglass repair kit to strengthen the inside of my lid but maybe I will just leave as it is for a while a get some mileage on it first, I am in the process of adding some padding and a chin strap though
  10. Thanks Aaron, Yeah im unsure about the belt, I just copied the position from the anovos belt but it does look a little 'set back' compared to others, hopefully it will be ok, I would hate to have to change the belt 'again'!!!
  11. Congrats on your 501st membership Kalani and well done on your helmet progress also Have you requested 501st access on here now? If not here is the link http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/16-501st-trooper-status-requests-include-link-to-your-501st-profile-in-your-request/ Im in two minds about using plastidip as its not available here in Ireland and to get one can from the UK would cost me 28 euro (31 dollars)(half of that being postage) Did you find the plastidip strengthened up the lid a lot?
  12. I have heard that glueing the black strapping with snap attached straight to the armor with E6000 works too but have not tried this myself so can't vouch for it!
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