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Geaux Saints

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Geaux Saints

  1. Did you already glue the square buttons on the belt?
  2. Good luck and have fun!!! I think it should be required for everyone to take a picture of themselves and their newly arrived box.

  4. 1) Yes....reasonably. I have trouble with my thighs (when I sit down to put my boots and shins on) trying to take my hip bones out. 2) I think I could lift it up some.
  5. Could I do that? That would seem a little dishonest don't you think.
  6. Thank you! I appreciate the compliments. Paul makes a great suit that is flexible (no pun intended) for many body types. I agree. The guys in armor on screen didn't have to go great distances, so they could get away with a little discomfort, but not us. Like I said, the parade I was in was 2 miles. That's a long way to go with a lot of rubbing going on. I did cut some of the bottom of the shins and that helped with the upper shin/lower thigh rub problem, but I was having the cod rub with upper thigh jabbing going on. I unfortunately had to do the last resort and trim some of the upper and inner thighs. That helped a lot otherwise that 2 mile hike would have been murder. I can't kneel or bend over to pick anything up, but I'm sure that's pretty normal.
  7. Thanks for the suggestion. I never wore one before, but it seems like it would be hot. Does it really draw the heat away? And is the mic comfortable against your face like that?
  8. When I say I have a Hasbro I mean it is literally a Hasbro blaster that I spray painted black a long time ago. It has not been modified in any way. I have everything for Centurion minus the blaster.
  9. I applied as an ANH Stunt TK. I did not build a Hero just a Stunt.
  10. Yep. I Google Mapped the parade route and it was 2 miles. There are a few minor adjustments I'll have to make, but overall I was rather comfortable. There has got to be a better way to get GOOD circulation in the helmet other than a few squirrel fans. I used my iComm and Akers voice amp with PTT. It worked pretty good for the most part. My mic kept twisting to where it wasn't pointed right at my mouth and the only way to adjust it was with my mouth, tongue, and teeth.
  11. Thanks! That's what I thought. Looks like my Doopydoo disappointment will prevent me from ranking up in the near future....but it WILL happen.
  12. That's coming. Centurion doesn't require a weapon, right?
  13. Very much! It just blows my mind. I grew up with Star Wars, but to see the reaction of all these kids going crazy over the characters that were from my generation was an interesting and cool experience. The parents still acted like kids as well when we showed up. Lots of compliments on our costumes. Even after the parade when we were waiting for our ride back, we had several people (kids and adults) who asked if we could put our lids back on for some more pictures. They were very appreciative. Very cool!
  14. My first experience as an official 501st member was the Madison, MS Christmas Parade. It was a great experience! The parade route was 2 miles. The temp was in the upper 50's to start and ended in the 60's and sunny, so the temp and weather were perfect. It was great to see the reception when we passed by. Lots of pictures and video taken. Say what you will, but people still love Star Wars and seeing those characters live and in person dressed in accurate costumes. The kids loved giving the hand slaps and high fives. Lots of kids wanted their pictures taken with us, and I even had two adults (one was hot ) want their pictures taken with me as well as some teenagers. It was a great experience and I can't wait for the next one. One of my fellow troopers let me borrow his Hyperfirm E-11 (he was going AT-AT driver) so I didn't have to use my crappy Hasbro. Anyway, here are some pics. I'm all the way to the right. Me getting mugged by a bunch of kids toward the end of the parade (background, right side) I'm behind the TIE pilot. One of our guys with his son. Me in the background to the right getting ready to greet my adoring fans. Me giving high fives. Our Vader got caught in traffic and missed the parade. People were asking "Where's Vader?" and we would say, "He got caught in traffic". They would laugh and we were saying, "No...really. He got caught in traffic."
  15. Awesome pics, and I have to say your wife has the ESB Leia look down pat. Very nice!
  16. This is looking REALLY good! Great job so far! Doopydoos may not have to worry about shipping any more E-11's once you get this thing going. I had to borrow a fellow trooper's Hyperfirm E-11 for a parade I was in. First time I ever got a good close up of that. It was pretty cool. Can't wait to get my hands on this blaster.
  17. I got my TK # today from the 501st headquarters. TK-12757 reporting for duty.
  18. Official 501st. I received my confirmation into the ranks today. I will join my fellow Rancor Raider (Mississippi) troopers tomorrow with my first assignment....Madison, MS Christmas Parade. Wish me luck. Any suggestions or pointers?
  19. LOL!!!! Ransom it for about 100 blasters and share with your brethren.
  20. I just wonder if I should try again through eBay. My first order was through their website. I would be a glutton for punishment if I did.
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