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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About KO22

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    Central Garrison

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  1. That looks great, I love what you did with the shoes! One thing that may help is to get a lens for her helmet. I got a flat lens at trooperbay and put it. It’s definitely better than the cloth one rubies has.
  2. I did this for my son and it worked great, until he got too big for it. Anyways I used a Dremel to,gut,the inside but it did take a long time. Instead of using screws to keep it together I used the same techniques I used for my TK. For the arms and legs I glued the pieces together using spare plastic from my TK builds. Then I used snaps to attach the chest and back together as well as the arms and legs. It worked like a charm.
  3. Sorry I should have remembered to include pictures of the helmet. Again this is a Piggy bank I got off of Amazon I did look for another helmet but this was the best I could find and I was told by others that this would work. I cut the bottom off and then cut out the eyes. I then colored the eyes black so it looked good (I just used a sharpie) and then added a lens. I used the same lens I used for my TK which I order from Trooperbay. The lens is just pressure fit inside. It was really easy. I did not fill in the hole for the coins or paint the helmet as the paint did not adhere well to the vinyl of the helmet when I tested it on the scrap. I think it still looks pretty good. Here are some pictures of just the helmet. Again I hope this helps and if you have any improvements please let me know! By the way I used 4 of those rare earth magnets (two on the holster and 2 on the blaster) to make the blaster stay in place. It works pretty good unless he starts walking really fast.
  4. Oh, the calves were just like the traditional clam shell with velcro on the the inside to help hold it closed. They were the most difficult part of the build in my opinion. Again I hope this helps.
  5. Ok here are some pictures. FYI the helmet is the piggy bank I found on amazon and the blaster is the one from the figure, I just extended the handle with some wood and extra plastic I had. I hope this helps!
  6. I recently did this for my son and it was pretty simple. I unscrewed the figured and took apart what I could. I then trimmed off all the black plastic at the joints and I used my lexan scissors and a grinding attatchment on my Drexel to take out all the support plastic inside it. This does take a while to do. To put it back together I used the same methods that is used on my OT TK. I butt jointed the arms and legs together with e 6000 and then installed few few snaps in the chest, shoulder, forearms, and thighs to hold it together. I finished by giving it a custom paint job to make it more accurate and adding some magnets to hold the blaster to the leg where the holster should be. It turned out great!
  7. Hi noop, I am making a first order set for my son as well. What piggy bank did you use for the helmet? I have been looking for one but I can't figure out which bucket would be best. Thanks for the help.
  8. I have one suggestion on the top piece of the bucket. Under the traps instead of having it come to a point, try to round it a little just so that the plastic won't tear. Someone recommended that to me when I was making my bucket and I have not had an issue with it. Just be sure you do not go too high as you want the ear piece to cover those parts up. A rounded file should take care of it with just a few passes.
  9. I saw this as well. Its a bummer as it was one of the few family games that we would play together.
  10. I have not gone basic approval but if you go over the requirements for each level you could make any modifications that are necessary. When I started my build I was shooting for centurion I just have not done the final few steps that are needed. If you look at his information I think he is centurion qualified but the requirements sometimes change over time. Anyways it does layout a great guide to follow and it was a great help to me, the only problems I had was when I painted my helmet. I ended up having to get stencils from trooper bay in order to get it right. Everything else went well and that problem probably as much my fault as anything. There are other great threads out there, this is just the one the helped me the most with my build. <br><br> No matter which you choose to follow take your time and I would suggest looking at multiple threads to see which will work best for you. I would also suggest talking to your local members as no thread can substitute for hands on help if you can get it. <br><br> Good luck!
  11. Pandatrooper had a great one that takes you step by step through the whole build. I used it for my build.
  12. I don't know about they big cost difference as I paid $225 (I think) for my hyper firm and I love it. I know it doesn't have the lights and sounds but it looks great and I am not afraid to let a kids pose with it for a picture as it is darn near indestructible. If a new one does cost $500 just keep an eye on the forums as they get listed every once in a while closer to the amount I mentioned. Be sure to get it when you see it though as they usually don't last too long. I hope this helps.
  13. Mine is my son's birth date. It was a big day for us and he was one of the main reasons I joined. He might like Star Wars even more than I do!
  14. Looks great to me! Was that Luke's light saber that was being handed off or was it Vader's?
  15. Thanks for the great info. I was looking at doing the same setup. I have tried a few different approaches but I keep having problems with the mic and its placement inside the helmet. I will be watching for the test results before I make an order.
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