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Mopar McNeer

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Everything posted by Mopar McNeer

  1. I was thinking about getting the Droopy kit to convert the Hasbro as well as a complete resin kit too.
  2. Yeah, I've been posting in that thread. I've asked for pictures, hoping to see some soon.
  3. Cool. So trooperbay version is the SSkunky ones. EXCELLENT! That answered my question as well.
  4. I see alot of you guys are getting stuff from ebay. I'm 6' 0" and aroudn 210-215 lbs (ATA helmet with RT armor). Is there any particular one that will work well for me? I don't mind spending $100+ for a good one - but of course I'd like to also be smart about my purchase. Thanks in advance... Another question on ebay mannequins, what did you use as search keywords or categories? A basic "mannequin" search netted me over 10,000 things...lol
  5. Yeah, that is a good deal too. I just wanted to get something that was easier to work with for "Bio" breaks.
  6. I think I'm going to have to get in on that EastBay offer... thats pretty inexpensive.
  7. Honestly, yeah...that was pretty good. I'm going to have to use that sometime on some of the other forums where I moderate. :thumbsup:
  8. Wow. Great links and info The Sci Fire site was: http://www.sci-fire.com/ I didn't find any pricing info on the Sci-Fire website, but I was impressed with Droopy Doo's site and offerings. I'll probably go ahead and follow your recommendation Eric and go with a full kit to put together, that really does look like the best option and the pricing seems pretty reasonable too. Thanks again for being so helpful.
  9. Forgive me for I am a newb. I picked up a Hasbro Stormtrooper Blaster today at Target (see pic below) I'm fairly certain that people here have been converting these for use with their costumes. Is this the correct one? If so, I was reading about about the droopdoo conversion kits. I also read about the company Sci-Fire. Can anyone provide me with more info on either of these two vendors and the kits the provide? Thanks in advance for assisting a newbie.
  10. And it really depends on the figure and the condition (and of course what someone is willing to pay). You can look up individual figures on Ebay for an idea of what they are asking for these and what they are actually selling for.
  11. Nope. I've only picked up the ATA Helmet thus far. I'm leaning more and more toward picking up the RT Armour kit though. The more I read, the more I hear from other FISD members, the more I think RT is the way to go for me.
  12. Thanks Eric. I'm definately trying to make good decisions and certainly not in a hurry to spend money on stuff that isn't decent to begin with. I sincerely appreciate the advice. I'm really trying to talk myself into spending the dough on the RT kit...just not quite there yet. Going to see how the helmet build goes and work from there.
  13. I found the price on the ATA kit to be the most economical. And I've read many good things about this kit. I'm just a bit too big otherwise I would be in one.
  14. Well... I made my first official purchase today. I ordered an ATA Helmet kit. Getting excited knowing I'll shortly be taking my first step into a whole new world... Still undecided about the armor though. I'm pretty sure my buddy will be getting a complete ATA kit. It seems to be a perfect fit in size and budget for him.
  15. Yeah, there is always the shipping cost. Plus I would probably worry that the color match between abs components wouldn't match properly either (or if I would need to paint them, which I would prefer not having to paint the white). I was just trying to figure it up. AM lite kit for $500 + ATA Helmet for $125 = $625. Could I get the chest plate and shins for under $275? Most likely, but would it all jive well together? Not sure. Not sure if vendors sell the individual parts or not...I've still got a lot to learn. Keep the advice and opinions coming. I appreciate it.
  16. I could get down there, but aghh... lol I'll have to re-evaluate the RT-Mod kit. Cost is like $400 more than the ATA and $300 more than the AM kit though..... Thats is quite the price difference IMO. But obviously I would like to do it right the first time. It might be easier if I just lose some weight....haha I just with the AM was better quality or the ATA would fit me better (wants cake and to eat it too...and still fit into the white armor). Maybe I should consider a "Mix-n-Match". AM lite kit, ATA helmet, and then find some other shins & a different chest plate. I wonder if I would be money ahead or not by that point.
  17. Thanks for your honest feedback guys. I've heard that the AM helmet was oversized and not worth the hassle. Also that the AM Chest plate was a trouble piece along with the shins being incorrect. It is stuff like this that I'm trying to avoid prior to making my purchase. At the same time, much like tkrestonva, I didn't want to get undersized armor for myself either - as that in a whole different set of issues. I would prefer not to have to shim. I don't have body builder arms and legs though... Knowing my 6' 0" height at 210 lbs, will the ATA kit be too small then for my build?
  18. Well, I've been reading and researching like crazy over the last couple days. I've got my armor purchase narrowed down to a couple of choices now It's going to be either with ATA or AM (largely due to price point), but I would like your input before I plop down the $500-600 for a kit. I'm 6' 0", about 210 lbs (but I've ranged from 195-220 or so over the last couple years). Waist of 38" I want to go ABS for sure. I love working on things and should have very little trouble painting, modding, trimming, etc (especially with all the good stuff on this site). I was leaning toward AM, but heard that the kit wasn't as nice and that the helmet was pretty rough (to put it nicely). But the kits are ready to ship now. ATA has a better price point IMO, but there is a waiting list (no biggie). On a side note, a good buddy of mine here locallt=y will be taking the plunge as well. He is smaller than I at about 5" 10" and around 160-170 lbs tops (if that). Being that we are close friends, we figured it would be fun to work on these together since we would likely be participating in local stuff together and both share the passion for SW. Any advise or input that might help me make my (or my friends) decision? Feel free to post or pm me. Thanks in advance for helping out a newb...
  19. Good luck with your acceptance. I can't wait to get to that point, but I still have a lot to learn. Speaking of being a newb, can you fill me in on what EIB stands for/means? (I can feel the flame coming already...lol)
  20. This was an EXTREMELY helpful thread. Definately the first one that any Newb like me should look at. It contained exactly what I had needed to get the ball rolling. Thanks!!
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