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About Beren

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    Makaze Squad

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  1. For what it's worth, here's a photo of my straps from the top side... I just added snap plates underneath the chest and back for the canvas straps. Head over to the MEPD for more information.
  2. I have a personal preference for the TD, but turned here to the FISD for help during my build. There are many subtle differences between a TK and a TD such as the knee plate, ab buttons, and helmet details. Check out the MEPD for visuals.
  3. Yes, I can confirm there is a solid rod in the center. I found it while modifying the tip of mine. You might be able to attach a plastic scope with 1/2" self tapping screws, but I suggest you test the depth first with a small drill.
  4. I've got my armor all dirtied up as a Sandtrooper, so adding polish won't be an issue. I keep the armor out of direct sunlight and dry. Does the armor itself degrade? How long has your armor lasted?
  5. Does anyone know about how long armor lasts? With it being plastic, does it get brittle after 5, 10, 15 years? I realize it depends on the type and thickness of your armor, but I'm wondering what the "shelf-life" is. I have an AP kit built last year, so I expect many years of use to come. What have you all experienced?
  6. Post up a picture to be sure, but you should be fine to trim. Don't forget your neckseal has to fit too!
  7. Be sure to make the opening bigger to allow your head to fit easily. Keep in mind that you will need to put your head in sideways and then rotate it in place. If you make the opening nice and roomy, by the time you place the S-trim, it will fit just about perfect. Besides, if you "mess up" and need to trim more away later, you will just need a new piece of S-trim. :-)
  8. Use a file to get nice square corners, then use some sandpaper to get the finish nice and smooth. You might try a nail file (for fingernails)... just cut them length wise so they fit.
  9. It looks like you still have some trimming to do around the teeth. Before you trim the eyes, which also appear to need a bit of trimming, I recommend comparing to some screen shots first. Enjoy that AP helmet!
  10. You seek zwflyboy on the Florida Garrison boards. Have you contacted him yet?
  11. TD 9389... Graduated college in '93 and high school in '89. (yeah, I'm old!)
  12. Can you post a photo? How TALL are you???
  13. This is an amazing thread! Thanks for taking the time to post this in detail.
  14. I built an AP kit too. The trim lines on the armor are just a starting point and will work for those doing overlap method of construction. For accuracy, you will want to consider using cover strips and butt joint assembly. So, for a 20mm cover strip on the legs, you will need to trim until there is about 10mm left on each side... But be sure to check fit before you trim too much away. It's OK to have some of the "landing area" show beneath a 20mm cover strip especially if you need room to fit your leg into the armor.
  15. Nice job... Your cod piece looks like it's not fitting well in the profile shots (insert crude joke here).
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