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Maximum acceptable width for drop boxes?

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Hi! I'm looking into making 3D-printable TK drop boxes that're functional enough to carry trading cards in. Standard 501st trading cards are about 6.4 cm wide, so they don't quite fit in a standard 6-cm-wide OTTK drop box. Is there an official range of allowable sizes for the drop boxes? Specifically, would ones that were ~10% larger (say, 6.6 * 12 cm) still be approvable, or at least usable for the kind of casual troop where you might be distributing trading cards? And, secondary to that, are drop boxes that you can carry trading cards in even something that anybody would want?


Edited by DanielEisenhauer
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You could simply create a card holder to clip onto your canvas belt. Just check your GML is happy for you to use it during certain troops. It would be an easier solution to slide cards out while wearing gloves and a helmet.

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56 minutes ago, Sly11 said:

You could simply create a card holder to clip onto your canvas belt. Just check your GML is happy for you to use it during certain troops. It would be an easier solution to slide cards out while wearing gloves and a helmet.

The impetus behind this isn't that I have an OTTK to use this with (I don't), it's that I have a 3D printer and perhaps too much time on my hands. :lol: I needed to make .stl files for drop boxes because I need a couple to use as covers for my First Order heavy gunner ammo vest, and it seemed like while I was doing that I should take a crack at making one that would actually be useful for something rather than just a plastic rectangle.
I'm sure this isn't the best or most practical way to carry anything, but the boxes are already right about the right size to hold an ID, credit card, hotel key, and so forth, should one want to carry those things there, and trading cards seemed more likely to be something you'd want to have on hand during an actual troop, so I'm curious how far this could be made approvable.

Edited by DanielEisenhauer
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Ahh got you.

I actually holds one of my drop boxes together with Velcro and yes I do use it to keep a key and some cash in when trooping so your idea is sound. I guess if the size was not really distinguishable as being too large, then no reason why it would be an issue. It just needs to look the same as the armour so the real thing that pops out to me would be having them painted the same white as the ABS  if for an OTTK.


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