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Searching everywhere and having no luck... WTF hero helmet build.

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Hey everyone. I've been searching for a couple days, digging as deep as I can into these and other forums and I'm having zero luck finding a good tutorial on building a hero helmet. I'm new to the whole helmet building thing (my armor came with a completed stunt helmet) and while I'm finding a lot of advice and some videos on building stunt helmets, I'm not sure if there's any major differences between building them and building a hero (aside from a couple small bits like number of screws on the ears that is). It's a WTF hero kit if that's any help. Any advice or links would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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There is generally no difference in the construction other than the details you're referring to (paint, screws, teeth cutouts, etc)

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Thank you very much Tony. Those pages are great. And thank you Eric for letting me know the construction is basically the same. That's a bit of a relief because finding any instructions on a hero helmet build seems all but impossible.


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Thank you very much Tony. Those pages are great. And thank you Eric for letting me know the construction is basically the same. That's a bit of a relief because finding any instructions on a hero helmet build seems all but impossible.
Hahahah there's not a lot of us out there, compared to the Stunts!
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