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Trimming the Cod/Back Pieces

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Just a quick question, as I'm wanting to cut my FX butt piece off as well as the cod piece making them seperate pieces so that it will fit my height better.


Any suggestions on where I should cut them apart?



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There is a line on the butt plate that’s the best place to cut it and that’s where I cut mine. As for the cod piece I would just take some measurements and cut it to fit you.

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A good piece of advice I found is to take a piece of cardboard, place it against your chest where your ab plate would sit and bend over. The cardboard should bend at the point where your body naturally bends, and thats where you want to cut. Also make sure the cut falls under your belt.


There are several threads on here about the cod piece cut and a variety of ways to do it, do a search and see what looks the best for you.

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