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Stunt shoulder bells

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Hello all. I am having trouble with my shoulder bells. They sit too far from the chest piece and I have a large gap between them. I have Anavos armor and they don't yet have replacement parts soI am worried about ruining them. Can anyone give me detailed instructions on how to heat them?

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1. Remove much of the return edge on the shoulder bells - that alone may give you the extra room needed to pull the shoulder bells in closer. If not, then you'll need to remove it anyway in order to proceed to the next steps ...


2. Using a large pot of almost-boiling water, heat the armor by fully immersing them in the water (don't let it touch the bottom of the pot!) for a few seconds - I've found that since the Anovos plastic is so thin you only need to immerse it for 5 - 10 seconds to get it soft enough to reform. Any longer than that and you'll start to deform the plastic in undesirable ways.


3. Once the plastic is soft, gently pull the shoulder bell apart to the width you want and hold them in that position - being careful not to pull it too far apart. Have a sink or bucket full of cool water ready and dunk the part in the cool water to set the new shape into place.


Stay away from heat guns - unless you have a lot of experience using them you are likely to do more harm than good. The hot water bath is great in that is promotes even heating, whereas a heat gun heats the plastic in focused spots and is more likely to result in warping of the plastic.


But yes, please show us some photos before proceeding. :)

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Thanks, I will try that when I get home from work

Experiment by looping the existing elastic under and over the shoulder bridge and get someone to tape it in position so you can try various lengths. You can also bring the connection to the shoulder bridges forward slightly, to fill the black gaps. Just play about with them until you have it perfect, then cut or alter to suit :)

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