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Hello Guys,


By way of introduction, I am the person behind TK Armour UK and my name is David.


There seems to be alot said about me and I thought I would give the opportunity for you to ask me any questions directly as there seems to be a few Chinese Whispers happening.


I have been making armour since about 2004 when I started in Australia. I have studied materials engineering and am fairly familiar with plastic and rubber processing.


I initially started with armour of the FX variety which I made for many years and sent out many units at a very affordable price. I guess my entry into the market at my price range was compared with Aldi supermarkets, the big supermarkets didn't like it! 


I later evolved the helmet to a more desirable design as the FX was considered big and not accurate enough.


As I supplied larger companies directly with armour i needed to become a Limited company as many corporate buyers will not deal with some guy making armour in his shed. TK Armour UK Ltd was created with an office in central London and a Barclays company account to deal with transactions with individuals and larger companies.


I spent some time in 2015 changing my molds to be closer to the ANH style of armour with all the faults. 


I have exhibited at a few comiccons around the world to just show that I am here and this is my armour. I was at a Comiccon in Belfast in 2015 when I met a member of the Irish 501st legion. He commented that the armour was a good effort and not far off. I asked him if he could guide me as i was open to constructive criticism. He brought across to me kits from 3 of the more significant makers and advised me to make changes to mine that would reflect similarities with the other makers making mine more accurate without being too close to the others. I followed his advice and have kept mine individual and different to the others.


Whilst I was changing my molds I supplied the Britains Got Talent golden Buzzer act Boogiestorm with my first version armour. They came in 3rd and had 80 million hits on youtube. Since my changing of the armour I have also changed their armour to my new version. These guys are doing a great job with sick children etc.


I have made mistakes on the way and sometimes I have disappointing some people. But I have never ripped anyone off. I have had many people rip me off. I have been all around the world to places where armour makers would never bother to go. I have gone to visit costume groups all over the world and many people know my name and many have many thanks for me.


I will be at the MCM London Comiccon as an exhibitor this weekend if anyone wants to see what I am about or just to see my armour parts. You can also catch an autograph and photo of Boogiestorm at my table on Saturday as they are performing there if you are lucky.

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So you're working together with Joseph in France?<br><br>

I have to admit, that the quality of your plastic is very good, I bought my armor from (I think it's your older project) stormtroopercity and after 5 years, I only have one small crack in the belt.<br><br>

I've seen your new kit (a friend of mine ordered it) and it's a huge step towards accuracy. Did you make completely new molds? Or are they still based on the FX armor?<br><br>

You supplied Boogiestorm? They look terrible :0 But I guess, they have to - otherwise it's impossible to move like that :D

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Hello Christoph,


Yes I supplied the armour kits to Joseph. The plastic I use now is the same as I have always used. 


The only things that have changed is the moulds. I have changed all the moulds. I have tried to listen to what my feedback has been. I know that the legs have always had size issues so I have tried to make them fit a much larger range. They should fit the biggest calf's without any shims or much modification. Also all my parts have return edges on now. The main body parts should fit fatter guys as we are all eating more these days. The butt is much bigger now, and the main body parts will actually join from front to back, I tried to have Rouge One in my mind when I had them trimmed.


Boogiestorm was supplied with my earlier version armour first. They did their first show on TV and then the producers screamed out about wearing licenced armour on the tv so they bought some of the licenced armour and broke it all the first time they used it. So they had to go back to my old armour and use a licenced helmet. They danced for Lucasfilm at the episode 8 wrap party in front of all the top people from Lucasfilm. They have had their armour updated to my new armour. Boogiestorm is about performing in their armour so it has to be heavily modified and they spend alot of their time performing for sick children and giving them gifts of my helmets. They are not in it to look 100% they are in it to put smiles on sick childrens faces.


I didnt mean to spam before I just wanted to answer every criticism with an opportunity to ask me. I will remove them

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