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Skellykitten's 1st Armor Build (ATA, ANH, Stunt)

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Hi everyone, 


I'm so excited that I was able to get my armor much faster than I thought!


My really good friend is helping me build it, and I have had so much help from all my friends in the 501st - thanks to all of you :)


I have ATA armor that I was able to buy from my friends because she decided she wanted a Femme Trooper instead. 


It's ANH and I'm building it Stunt. 


I was so excited when we started building it that, even though I took a lot of pictures, I didn't take good, detailed ones. I'll try to get better one's as we move along.


So mostly the one's I've linked here are just the armor blue taped to me while I totally dork out in the mirror. 



Here is my Photobucket if you want to see more pictures.






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Awesome, I never had the chance to get to one, most got posted in a members only section, that has since been changed ;)


Great when a group of members get together and how the knowledge just flows, enjoy :D

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Amour parties are great, looking good so far keep up the photos, we love photos.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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