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The SmallTalk 2 mic system from SEA.COM.UA

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Hello fellow Stormtroopers.

I figured I would do a review on the cheap $9.99 eBay buy of the SmallTalk2 mic system.

I was looking for a very cheap fix for amplified sound with mic so ppl could hear me speak while I have the helmet on.

I have read around about other mods and devices some troopers are using, and only came across this type of mic & amp twice.


So after receiving this item, it comes with a mic placed inside a weird shaped plastic piece with a solid non disconnecting wire to the amp/speaker which is combined together in a small box thats no bigger then a pager and has a turn nob that adjust volume level.

After playing around with it, at first it seemed flimsy for it to have the Small mic installed in a plastic cup piece and no way to disconnect the wire from the box amp.

But the mic can be easily removed from the cheap plastic piece and either modified to your liking or just simply hot glue right into the helmet.

Since the wire from the mic to the amp & speaker does not disconnect. You can either cut & splice a radio jack in place or leave it as is.

I decided im going to modify the plastic piece the mic sits in and then velcro that piece into the helmet for easy removal.

Since the helmet goes on usually last I can just velcro the mic into place and then since the amp/ speaker have a belt clip , I clip it to the suspenders under the chest piece. After everything is on.

When the mic is in range of the amp/speaker you may get feedback, if you talk to loud on the mic you get feedback. But after placing the set up as I explained, there is really no feedback. And you get some what of a good sound like a stormtrooper.


Well this will be a test run on my TK, and if more people are interested I can post my results..


So has anybody ever used this product, and how did they mount it?


Thnx for reading my long post and hopefully gives some insight and help with this product.

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Hey Rob, I purchased the same unit. I couldn't control the feedback issue. When it worked it worked well, when it didn't the feedback distortion almost blew my ear drums out.


Look forward to seeing if you have better luck then me. At the moment I run the hytechtoyz voice mod with Hovi mic kit off ebay in addition a Novi voice amp from Radio Shack. This set up works flawless for me.

Edited by ukswrath
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  • 2 weeks later...

I had used this a while back but wasn't satisfied.


I currently have the Aker mic, cut so that I have only a small amount of the mice boom arm to deal with.  It is velcroed in place in my bucket.  In my forehead are, I have a wireless transmitter, which fits very well, and with the addition of some foam, is a nice way to keep my bucket stable.


The transmitter then sends the signal to the receiver, which is in the left side of my chest armor, held in place by elastic.  This way the sound still sounds like it coming from my head to some degree as my Aker amp is in the right side of my chest.  It's positions so that I ca sort of reach the volume control.  


I also place my iPhone in the chest with the Stormtrooper loop or Death Star loop playing.



At one time I had used the Hovi's with the speakers in them but was never able to get decent volume out of them.  Also, they were so close to the mic, feedback was an issue.



With my current setup, I do encounter some feedback, but I had large fans in my bucket, and the mic was too enclosed.  If you place your hand around a mic, you can create feedback, same idea.    I am placing smaller fans in my bucket, so I'm hoping I'll have more room around the mic, lessening the feedback.


The main problem that the wireless system solved was that it was impossible for me to get my bucket on with a headset.

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First troop in costume for 7hrs at Halloween party worked great.

The mic system work good, no back feed, ppl could hear me well even with music load. Most ppl were impressed with the costume and the mic & amp setup sounded just like a stormtrooper should..


I made a homemade around the rear mic set up. So the mic was pretty close to my mouth, having the mic just velcro to inside helmet did not work well.

The amp was clipped to the suspenders that held the cod piece up which was under the chest piece.

Again this worked great.

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