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Guest MasterBlaster

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Guest MasterBlaster

Where can i find the history of how the FISD came to be and who designed it?I'm getting a very military influenced feel,all over the place here?Wich is all good,because most of my childhood,was growing up on NAVY bases.

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I'm actually a little curious myself, being a Navy brat too. I guess it probably had to do with Paul and company's wanting to keep the militaristic spirit of the Legion intact in detachment form, but is there an actual story behind it? If there is, it'd probably be a good article to post in the Getting Started/TK Info Post/ what-have-you section as a little history lesson. I'd read it! :D

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I started FISD back in 2006. The Legion was formed much eariler.


I joined the Army Reserve as an 11B (Infantry) when I was 19 and in ROTC (this is back in 1987). I ended up hopping out of ROTC (stupid!) so I could be a crew chief on OH-58 helicopters, and stayed in 10 years.


The reasons why I started FISD are here: http://forum.whitear...hp?showtopic=20 but also in that I was in a small garrison with little local help. I really liked how MEPD allowed people to get help from folks around the world. At the time most garrisons had large TK populations to help locally, but I wasn't in one of them. Also, there was a lot of opacity on information. I was told "once you get in, we'll tell you the real story". That was very counter to how MEPD & CTN were at the time, and I felt it was stupid and wasteful to make people buy inaccurate and overpriced armor on Ebay (or cheap recast crap from a buddy of a buddy in their garrison) and only then once they were in the Legion, only then tell them where to get the good stuff. I swore that I didn't want any other new people to have to go through what I did, and even if FISD stayed small and I helped out only one person it would be worth it.


As for the military feel - well again consider my background of 10 years in the Army. You take what you know. :)


Thus the FISD branding is:

White: TK's are white after all

Blue: was meant to be infantry blue, but also ties in to 501st blue used by 501st clones in ROTS.

Black: blasters/under armor is black

Gold: refers to officers use of gold in the US Army


The crossed blasters are a reference to the crossed rifles which is the sigil for the US Army Infantry


The blue "i" in the background not only is a reference to i being 1st (as in I Corp being 1st Corp) and us being the "1st Stormtroooper Detachment", but also ties us back to our 501st clone forebearers. If you look (again) at ROTS the 501st clones have the same blue "i" on their chests.


The "Expert Infantryman" was just me being exasperated by people having hives by when we used "elite". I figured the EIB in the real world Army was a mark that someone had mastered the fundamentals of their trade, and really what is the EI award for anyway but excellence in costuming - where someone has become a journeyman in their craft.


In the end stormtroopers are the elite infantryman of their era, so it's only natural that we use much of the same terminology.


Does that answer your question?

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