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I know pretty much everyone in the 501st uses Paypal to send out payments for things such as coins, armor, props, patches etc, but maybe that can change. Paypal and other money transferring websites charge a percentage per transaction . I'd been trying to find a new way to send money around without having to pay so much in fees and I think I've found it.


It's called Dwolla. It's very similar to Paypal in that you can add an account to send, receive, and request money. The main difference is that it only charges 25 cents per transaction to receive funds!


See here: http://help.dwolla.com/customer/portal/articles/86684-dwolla-fees


The one thing I didn't see was a way to add a credit card like in Paypal, but it does let you add a bank account. Also, I haven't seen anything mentioned as far as currency conversion. I know that Paypal charges a ton for that, which really turned me off from them.


Now, I haven't used it at all yet so I don't know what kind of cons it has, but overall it seems to be a pretty good deal especially considering I'm always sending money back and forth through Paypal.


Has anyone used it before? Positives/Negatives or other comments?

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I've never heard of it. I know Amazon.com has started a paypal like service as well, and so has google. Hopefully competition will help int he fee and customer service dept. Unfortunately Ebay owns paypal so you can't use anything else there anymore,

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