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Is my helmet centurion ready?

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09 ATA helmet, S neck trim and fully hand painted details. The thing i'm worried about the most is the tube stripes, do I need to clean them up any more or are they ok?









The camera I used is kinda old and I was only getting light from the 2 60 watt bulbs up above so the pictures are a little grainy, hopefully I can take some better pics during the day with more natural light.

Edited by kevster
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Hi, I don´t speak english, sorry

I used this

I get AP vinyl from my AP armor

I photocopy in papel = then I had a template

I painted transparent vinyl with my template

I removed the blue stripes from transparent vinyl







I removed transparent vinyl


I wipe the excess blue


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How did you do thos? just curious. Templates? I hate to say, they look like they're on the wrong sides. :(


I did what luis has. They sell stencil sheets at hobby lobby and cut out my own http://www.grafixarts.com/product/Frisket_Film. I got the low tack stuff and I don't know if it was because of that and trying to stick to a curved surface or just a bad product, but i had very very bad bleed under. Some of my stripes were connected together at the tops or bottoms, and also, the paint was drying so fast, by the time i was putting the stencil up, it was peeling the paint up off the edges. So overall it was just a really messy job with to begin with but i did my best to try and clean them up. Now that you mention it jesse, I know what happened, when i was tracing the lines on the stencils, I had to trace on the back paper of the stencil because it wouldn't stick to the stencil part itself. So since I did it on the back, when i go to apply it, it flips it over :wacko: Maybe I could just redo the first few to have more of the curve at top unless they are still ok to pass.

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Well, about to head off to the lake with the family for a few days so it will have to wait until i get back, but do ya'll think i would have to redo them all or just fix the first 3 or so towards the front of the helmet? Because it seems like only the front ones are curved out more while the rest are pretty much all lined up. Oh and also, I was kind of curious about the ear rank. Was it ever explained what combination of bumps painted signify the rank? I tried to look into it but i had read that since the TK's were all about uniformity then they didn't show rank on their armor. They have different bumps painted though. I know theres only so much you could do with so few bumps but i would like to think theres some kind of correlation like the TD's and their pauldrons. Lastly, is it required that I have ear rank for centurion?

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Well, I sanded off the stripes and redid them, they came out pretty gnarly again but here's what i got them down to so far. I also got my ear rank down. Tomorrow I'll try to refine them a little bit more but I can definitely see the difference now that I have them on the right way. The stuff I used is just not all that great, I probably should of gotten the extra tack stuff instead of the low tack.









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