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Mounting E11 scopes securely

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Do you often find your E11 scope falls off?

This is normally due to the small contact area between scope and scope rail. ANH had screws that come up into the scope from beneath the scope rail and this provides a good bond but can still come off travelling or during a bump/drop etc. ESB stunt and ROTJ have solid scope mounts so can be a problem area


When creating the blaster try and do it as follows


Screwed together



That way above it shouldn't fall off (neither will the method below) But if yours does fall off at a later date you need to fix it without ripping the whole thing apart and needing a major respray etc


Proposed Solution:

This method is a way of getting a screw all the way through the scope from above and imbedded into the scope rail/mount .

Make sure you mark the scope rail/mount with the drill bit as this is where the 2 new securing nuts will go


Use masking tape to secure the scope back onto your scope rail.

Drill 2 holes down through the top of the scope and into the scope rail

Bore out scope holes to allow a counter sunk screw to sit below the surface of the scope like this



Use screw long enough to come through the scope and about a 1cm into the scope rail body



Bore the scope rail holes out so they're a tight 'snug' fit for some nuts to match your screws.

Add superglue onto the nuts and push them in. Use the screws to line them up flat like this




Sand the scope rail and bottom of the scopes to get a good surface for glueing



Now the nuts are in place and dry put the screws into the scope and screw together. Make sure the screw head screw in tight and below the scope surface

Filling with milliput.



Bingo! A fixed scope that shouldn't fall off so easily in future :)

Edited by john danter
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one screw also works.


and you can turn the whole process around, and put the nut into the base of the scope,

then the scope rail, is the only thing with a hole all the way through.


nice tutorial!

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