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Everything posted by Jester

  1. looking good, looks like we got the same lid, i got the oppiste problem im a short a very impolite person Would like to post some pic's of armour but having trouble with few things mainly the straping system , waiting for a local UKG to get in contact with me for a bit of xtra help
  2. bahhh you lot got it too easy try 4 girls Nice looking kit by the way. Just a quick question thoe about the holster which is the right way to have it? holster on outside of belt or on the under side?
  3. i have sprayed it with a grey primer but looks so flat, maybe if i put a coat of clear lacer over the top, might make it looka bit more presentable.
  4. nope this is the only one i post on.
  5. hello all, just a quick question about paint's. I want to paint my td / co2 canister the right colour (grey) but how many 14ml pot's of #5 does it take to do before i order some.? And its there any thing else i can use for the silver trims? i was thinking about using some large jubile clips and cutting of the screw notche's.
  6. looks great u'll have to keep us updated on your progress
  7. like the other's if u don't intend on selling or growing any bigger glue both seem's. But personly i would use the velcro just incase u need to take them off in a hurry.
  8. spayed mine with a grey primer then i'm gonna use a clear lacker on it to give it a shine.
  9. at last the lid arrived on friday open the box up and...... well it is a completed lid but for some strange reson they decided to to cut the bottm of the ear peices of?? and there a looks like the was a big slip with the glue gun on the back so i might take the ear peice's off and attach the ones i first got or just try to assemble the origanal one i had in the first place with a bit of help from a local UKG member that e-mailed me, handy seeing that he lives oooooo maybe atleast 10 mins away from my door step. Hopefully we're meeting up when he gets back from his hol's in about 2 weeks as my progress has come to a halt i seem to be having probs with the thighs and im unsure how and where i need to make the cuts on the butt, and cod peice.
  10. had a look on the ab plate webby (nice pop ups ) but couldn't find a price, so think that could be out the question i'll most probly see if i can grab some elastic of some sort or take a trip to the diy shop see if i can find a chhep bin , no wall mart's here yet
  11. nothing wrong with a 12 pack, ....... depending on how many u drink
  12. think i'll roughly have the same size gap. Damm theres a lot of unfit (relaxed muscle) people in costumes.
  13. ---------- If not thats the gap i was talking about. Would it be possable to use a peice of elastic if you can get it this wide?
  14. just a quick question how are ppl covering the gap between the ab plate section and the rear back of the armour.? Does any one have a side view?
  15. what a good idea when i get my helm this may be worth looking onto.
  16. Today about 10 mins ago i recived an long awaited for e-mail.Which goes " I have assembled one of the helmets myself. As I had not had any complaints about the hundreds of helmets I have already sent out, I thought I should assemble one myself. All the parts are made in one big batch. They are made on the same day and are all trimmed identical. When I assembled this helmet I noticed that there is a gap between the front and the back piece. I also notice that the ear piece will cover the gap and the black rubber trim covers this. A lot of the helmets I have seen, once you pull away the padding inside, all have a small gap. I dont know why it always seems to end up this way. All of my helmets are trimmed the same. There cannot be any difference in the way they fit together. Solution. I have enclosed some pictures of the gap in the helmet that I made. I can send this to you free of charge as I know that you have been waiting to assemble the helmet. I can send you the new parts that you are after. You will find that they are the same as you already have. I can give you a full refund for the kit and you can send it back to me. I can send you out a new kit and you can send back the old kit. You can choose whatever option you like as I want you to be 150% satisfied." here are the pics that i recived. ----- as u can see there is still a gap i think that there mould isint deep enough. Anywayz ive asked for a premade helm without the decails as i plan to change em anyway for the correct ones.
  17. ok i just glued one side of each bicep and foram now on the oppisite side of the bicep do i use the velcrco like i most probly will on the forarm or just glue the bicep together? Also was bit messy on one of the biceps with a bit of over spill from the glue but i think i should be able to hide it if i have it facing inwards. But if not is there any thing to clean it up with ? or quick rub down and spray the seam if i get some fusionx spray?
  18. thanks for the advice, looks like im out tomorrow for a grey spay which armour did that come from looks lot better then the fx one i just done.
  19. while we're on the subject which is the corect colour for thr TD all white, Grey bottom white top or all grey i've seen all 3 being used, just wanna know put mine together today (yay first thing done) and just checking before i respary to hide seem's . apart from the silver strip down each side is there any other detail to be painted like the button?
  20. i'm glad that someone else asked this question as i thinking about doing the knee plate with rivets and never used one b4 either.
  21. thats the way it came out the box pre trimmed up all i done was tape it together to have a look. still waiting for reply from last email
  22. right went off to b&q today think i got evrything i need now to start assembling soon( still trimming off the acess on bits) was unsure about the glue seeing that every one uses diffent types i.e the abs cement and the 2 tube stuff hopefully i think this should do the trick ------- just remembered forgot the elestic and snaps no matter no rush
  23. hahahaha i was right about the foam
  24. i think that most people are inserting foam block's on the inside to keep in place or adding velcro to the inside of the armour and on the undersuit. I could be wrong but it the most common way that i've seen would like to help you out more. (i'm still a newb) i'll see if i can fin some pic's
  25. sorry i think i miss lead u all in the question all ready trimed was on about the little over hangs u get. been doing it most of the after noon so far done forearms biceps and started on the shins ( could be bit tricky ). Found the way to do it was just simple tape up jobby then trim off the access quick sand up job done. I love my new toy. ----- 20 quid bargin
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