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Posts posted by AJCG

  1. Great stuff Joe!! Thanks so much for sharing all of this with us :salute: . I think my second helmet will be a hero like the one you posted in the last picture. I will improve the frown the way you say, you are right, mine is a little bit short on the sides and the edge slightly small

    I want to use the super accurate hovimix that Keith used in his TM hero trooper but he mentioned tome those are not offered for sale :( , so I'm afraid I have to used and alternative route unless he changes his mind.


    I'm glad you like the ears and thanks for your kind words, basically I stroke them with black paint using a flat brush # 3 or 4, then when it dries I fill them up the interior with humbrol #5 creating a thing black out ring. Most of the time I try to hold my breath so my pulse is not shaky :)






    PD: more pics coming soon.

  2. Is this a TE? I ask because I wonder how tight it is. Can you wear this with glasses on


    Yes it is a TE. It is as tight as an AP I would say.


    BTW I'll take tomorrow pictures of the interior and the back. I completly forgot it :mellow:



    So far I have painted the frown and the vocorder and started with the earcaps. It is work in progress. I'm not very happy with gloss since I used black coal satin from Humbrol but the results are glosier than I expected. I'll wait couple days to see how the paint cures









  3. Got to love that Rustoleum gloss white. Do you use a new can when you paint? Did you use primer?


    Sorry for the late answer. I have been away <_<

    No I did not used primer because the HDPE color paint is made of for plastic surfarces and did no required primer at all. Once I applied this color I put the helmet away for a week so the paint can cure, then I applied the white rustoleum(brand new can).I hope this helps.





  4. Amish Trooper said:
    I have a CAP helmet that has crazy sharp detail pulled in 80g. I will post it here before and after it is painted




    p.s VT's molds were made by CAP


    Agree 100%. I owned a CAP(ESB) helmet and I can tell you that it is very, very sharp and very thick, actually the thickest one I have seen around so far. I have other helmets in my collection from different makers and the CAP one is super-detailed.










  5. Thanks guys :duim: , I'm glad you like it. I will start to work on it very soon, but first I might photoshop some of these images to help me to pre-visualize the final product. I have in mind to do a screen used version... slightly weathered. I will post pictures soon.


    Hey Joe, you are right, this one is a bit different than yours, to be honest I like all different variations. BTW Joe does yours come with ANH/ESB hovi mix?


    Thanks for looking



  6. Just a reminder...this thread is here to celebrate Armando's bucket.


    Keith, I know your position on recasting.


    Nathan, I know where you stand on that subject also.


    Troops, let's keep it on topic or I'll delete the offending post(s) and I'll lock this thread down.


    T :salute:


    Thanks HPDBlues. The only thing I can say is that I saw EVO3 comlink and I thought the hovi mix he used for it were great. I ordered a couple of them and I weather myself. I also ordered before hovi mix from Keith and I can tell you the interior are completely different to the EVO3. I do not know if they are recast or not, but I can say they are very nice. I also loved the hovi mix Keith used for his TM hero bucket but I never could get them from Keith so I decided to get the EVO3. And now I would appreciate it if we can keep it on topic





  7. Could be.....I try freezing scenes where there's enough lack of movement I can home in on stuff, so far it (Battle of Endor) looks like helmets with the face plate installed cap to eyeballs (Hero) and ESB markings but with black teeth and "Lips".


    But in the Death Star the troopers look more "Stunt".

    I did notice something funny yesterday.....on the VCR Digitally Remastered video pack.....the ESB movie has a ROTJ trooper on the jacket. :blink:


    Are there any news regarding this matter?





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