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Ranger Z

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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    Dewback Ridge

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  1. I went with helmet #2. It took awhile but I think the stripes are good to go.
  2. Thanks! Yes, both have the correct S-trim. Assuming nobody else spots anything that would be non-Centurion, I will likely use helmet #2.
  3. Thanks! So, now that they are done except for stripes on traps and tears, I'd love some feedback on them. Specifically, I'd like to know if anybody sees any reason why one or the other wouldn't pass for Centurion. Or, if you recommend one over the other for the TK. Thanks! or
  4. But first, there was the really annoying aspect of super long screws that came with the helmets impaling themselves in your head when you try to put on the helmet. Do I replace or cut them down. Tim said cut them down so... Note: Remove screw from helmet first or you risk melting the ABS! and then file a bit Reinstall and much more comfortable. Note: these are the above mentioned scorch marks form removing the rivets.
  5. So a little mineral spirits and a toothpick and I carefully cleaned up the edges. They still have the hand=painted effect but aren't a mess of seepage. and the outsides are done... for now. I will need to pick one for the TK and add stripes in traps and tears. The other one stays plain for sandie.
  6. Tube stripes. yet another moment I was approaching with trepidation. The printed the template from Pandatrooper at the correct height and the used post it glue stick to stick it to wide blue tape. I then cut through the paper template and the masking tape. Remove the paper template, weed out the blue tape stripes and template made. One coat: Second coat: And remove masking tape to reveal... a bit of a mess:
  7. Paint time. Following others build threads, I did the black outline first and then the grey inside the traps and tears. Works well! Half done - reminds me of Two-Face.
  8. Ear caps. The DREADED ear caps. I worked way too hard on these not realizing that once you screw them in, the sit more flush. Oh well. Here some shots along the way but I'm not sure I didn't trim a bit more after these.
  9. I fine-tuned the trimming on the teeth and eyes. Seemed good enough to proceed. A little gaffers tape and some clamps just a small piece of endless hours of trying to get it lined up just right before riveting. Rivets in place - ready to "pop" them. There are no shots of the two times I was not happy with the placement, drilled out the rivets, drilled new holes and tried it again. Note: Drilling out rivets leaves scorch marks inside your helmet. And two helmets riveted and ready for ear caps
  10. ^^^ is my re-introduction. I am grateful for the warm welcome. I have to confess, the helmets are almost done after several weeks work. The next few posts will be some catch up but after that I will keep up as I work. I am making TWO helmets at the same time. One will be for the new TK and one will be for a future TD. I am soon at the juncture where I will need to pick one for TK and add the stripes in the traps and tears. First, I did the trimming:
  11. I believe the one CRL with menu of options for accessories and combos is best course and that higher levels should be reserved for greater accuracy and not for accessory options.
  12. I plan to be there - Zman (aka Ranger aka Wayne)
  13. Got it. My Walmart didn't have any in the fall, only Target did. I've managed to pick up a few at Walmart this week. Thanks!!!
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