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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Zinfer

  1. Thanks to my local Garrison for the suggestion on the screen mesh and the feedback here with the Detachment. Should help with exposure to being visible through the teeth. Went to Menards and found a roll of something called ScreenMend. Cut a section of it and sweated the install with a hair dryer. Was concerned with the heat next to the lens acetate and directly on the PVC of the lid. Next up, attempting to secure the IComm unit and Amp to the chest plate with Velcro. Any tips?
  2. Thank you Andrew. Still have yet to install fans and get my head in there with my Icomm mic on. I've been told I can install the mouth mesh and still meet approval. So I may do that yet if there's no air interference. I wouldn't want anything to block airflow and I think a mesh may stop breezes but I don't know. I've resisted a plasti dip spray application as it could darken the outer. So the public could see my mouth if I don't have the balaclava over it/speech with the mic. Only thing I don't care for is the brow riding over my eyebrows, but I need to see nearer the ground and what's beneath or standing in front of me. Hard to have a neck and still be able to see without the helmet riding on my head and shoulders. Could be the weight on me affecting my shoulders and chest breadth. The liner is not adjustable at all once it's installed. No tilting.
  3. Helmet reassembled with the new liner. Missing screw replaced. Wasn't the same exact 1/4" size and not brass. But it works. Can't find that original screw anywhere. Dabbed the screw finish white on the outer helmet. Installed the acetate lens and installed a second nut to prevent it from happening again if I ever need to remove the lens. We'll see how this works out.
  4. Oh I'm sure of that. The first few will be a learning experience.
  5. Last fix that I am aware of. Replacement elastics for the chestplate. These seem just a touch longer. Perhaps this will improve the fit. Still need to lose poundage before the next test fit. The screws for the Helmet should arrive by Monday at the latest.
  6. I seriously need to meet BOOGIE STORM...
  7. I've got to be careful with the padding as it's just going to add to the heat the more I have. Like I said, delicate balance. I'll need to run to Menards or Lowe's see if I can find some foam just to test with before inserting the liner. Only thing I have is the original foam flower that came with it.
  8. I've found that the chin strap assists a bit with pulling the helmet UP and away from the armor of the backplate/chest and shoulders to a small degree. I don't even have a neck in this armor. I'm using the original acetate material for the lenses, you must be using separate. There' s not much UP you can do though as then you can't see out of the eyes very well, especially downward. Delicate balance trying to get it just right.
  9. Second attention area was the helmet. Lot of slop inside, as was film original. They did in fact slop around alot. I installed some padding to try to limit this, but it was pretty futile. Removed the padding and applied a helmet liner with hot glue. Well, needless to say the hot glue was not very robust and would often just break away. So, removed and tried again today with E6000 and magnets. Unable to adjust the straps of the liner so I'll still have to use some padding to keep it higher on my head so that I at least have SOME neck in costume with which to look up, down, left and right without the bucket getting hung up on the chest/backplates and shoulder armor. Letting it sit overnight to cure before actually inserting the liner. Unfortunately during this process I seem to have lost my screw that retains the outer ear and inner lens acetate material. Ordered a supply of them. Last issue I'm aware of I'll look into tomorrow.
  10. So, a couple things I needed to fix. First the butt plate was not being drawn in. So I reduced the strap by about half. That was then too far. So I settled on an inbetween spot and applied a brand new split rivet. The thing then I noticed after drawing it in, was that it chafing between my legs. Like, if I had to walk alot, which I would, that's going to be a problem. So I reduced the edge, rounding it off. Without trying it on again yet, I think that'll do fine.
  11. How do you figure how long the butt strap should be? I guess my butt plate is not being drawn in enough. So I am proceeding to reduce the length of the strap by half to draw in the cod to butt. Hopefully don't get it too tight or I'll have to replace the split rivet again.
  12. Yea it started doing that for me. I then start trying to hold my breath so I don't fog up. Lol.
  13. Yea Summers here can get VERY HUMID, stifling.
  14. OMG lol. Now that's some mixn'match stuff there.
  15. Yea I definitely envy photos like that. beautiful.
  16. TE2 was def better fit. The FX was just a tad short for you as you know, with the right shin. I'm sure alot more differences. But looked great on you anyways. Def a nice fit all around.
  17. Saweet! SO how did you do it? I'm in little Lima, Ohio. I'm not sure how I go about getting Pro pics taken here or anywhere in Ohio.
  18. Changed my Profile pic. Probably looks pretty novice.
  19. A touch of helmet work today. A few dabs of some E6000 between the trim and lip to keep the helmet trim in place. Letting it cure overnight. Need to wipe the bucket down as there appears to be some kind of residue just below the left eye.
  20. I just saw one on TrooperBay. Ordered.
  21. I like it, nice and clean. Went browsing for it on Home Depot, Menards, Lowe's, Walmart. Is there a particular model #? I presume this is a 'fixed' insert as there's no adjustment wheel. Looking for one that fits in the bucket with no problems.
  22. Do you just then glue it to the interior with E6000?
  23. Yea, with all that padding I installed it still wobbles and sits too low on my head. Can't turn my head, scruffs my back plate and just no neck at all. Need to get it up off my head just a tad. The only kind of control I have is the snap if I can get that snapped with gloves on.
  24. I was kind of surprised how ineffective and frankly a waste of money some of these helmet liner retailers are. Really not happy with what I installed today. It almost seems a hard hat suspension system would be more effective in how the helmet sits on your head over some of this rubbish out there. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Helmet-EVA-Pads-19PCs-CS-Field-Outdoor-Tactical-Protective-Accessories-Set-US/392721498699?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
  25. Dude I had no idea the heat buildup. Even removing my shins my legs could then breath. Reminds me of the sand fleas in boot camp biting the crap outta me while standing at attention in boot camp. Complete discipline.
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