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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Nada

  1. Just now, CableGuy said:

    With SO many great vetted armour makers out there, I personally wouldn’t even entertain taking the risk. But, each to their own.

    Have you spoken with your local Garrison for advise?


    I'm currently in Australia NSW region so it would be the Knightfall Garrison and don't know how to contact my local Garrison other than facebook. I'm just new here with a dream to join you guys. But a lot of people say there a no kits in Australia and look online I know I'm going to get my boots and neckseal from imperialboots. But the armor I don't know because my budget is around $1500-1750 AUD to get the armor if I can this month/year so roughly 1000-1250 USD.

  2. 1 hour ago, CableGuy said:

    Looked around in the forum and Dantria said:

    " Matt Gauthier (TE)

    Matt was banned from this board for repeated flame wars, but even worse for repeatedly taking our members money and not delivering. He has at least twice documented "sold his molds", once to a 501st member, and then recast the sold molds to make new product. You can send him money if you want to take a large risk of not getting anything, and of supporting someone who has screwed numerous 501st members by lying to them. "


    I'm still wondering after talking with him he seems like he is nice and people seem to have got good armor from him but some people have been scammed not getting armor. So would it be worth it to try thought PayPal and try to get the armor I feel like I might take this risk with Paypal on my side? Not to sure but he said he is retiring this year from making them and having a may the 4th sale so I think I will try it. 

  3. The armor looks good in the pictures but I'm unsure if it's up to quality he also states " This suit will pass the 501st entry level requirements for membership " but am unable to find any more information on it apart from the reviews he has on his account or people saying that have got in with it.

    I'm hoping this is good quality because seems too good to be true for a college student wanting to do charity work on the side.

    Thank you for helping me with this problem.


    Link: https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/560000393/completed-anh-stormtrooper-armor-with

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