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Henry Ng

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Henry Ng

  1. Henry Ng 12762 EIB A4 Sha Sha Thank you http://www.whitearmor.net/eib/certificates/12762-eib.png
  2. Dear Sha Sha, Thank you guys so much for the assistance ,approval and all suggestions! Henry TK-12762
  3. Hi, Herewith updated photos of thigh ammo pack split rivet connection. Thanks! Henry
  4. Hi Sha Sha, That's okay. Thank you so much for your time. Henry
  5. Hi Sha Sha, Additional photos as requested: Thanks for your review. Henry
  6. E-11 Blaster modification completed : Gun barrel holes drilled and bayonet lug added. Thanks! Henry TK-12762
  7. Thanks for your suggestion! I will try to adjust the support frame inside the helmet accordingly.
  8. TK-12762 Requesting ANH (Stunt) EIB Status [MTK] Trooper Info: Name: Henry Ng FISD Forum Name: Henry Ng Legion ID: 12762 Garrison: Hong Kong Garrison Legion Profile: https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=28642 Height: 174 cm Weight: 135 lbs Costume Information: Armor Maker: MTK Helmet Maker: MTK Neck seal: East Asia Supply Belt: East Asia Supply Boots: Custom made Boots Holster: Imperial Boots E-11 Blaster: Hasbro Electronics: 2x 12V Brushless fans (self installed) , Rom/FX Classic Static Burst Voice Amp with microphone & chest mounted speaker unit Known Issues: E-11 still at work, pending holes drilling on the front lower half of gun barrel, will update as soon as work is done. Full Body Front: Left: Left - Arm raised: Right: Right- Arm raised: Back: Helmet Details Front: Left: Right: Back: Lens Color: Hovi Tip Detail: Internal: Neck S-trim: Action Pose: Strapping: Belt: Ab plate details: Thermal Detonator: Shoulder bridge: Cod piece connection: Return edge removed (forearm): Gloves: Sniper knee plate alignment: Neck Seal: Chest mounted speaker unit: Boots: E-11 Blaster:
  9. Please enable me for 501 access TK-12762 https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=28642 Thanks!
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