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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by LTM

  1. 11 minutes ago, Lord_Potato said:

    You are correct. I don't know why I want too. I guess it's because that's how they were made and I want to copy it. But I have learned how they put the original TK's wasn't always the best or most efficient. For example, I removed the original strapping system from my RS and did snaps. Way better. So I guess I won't use the rivet gun. I do have to but another screw on each side to prevent the back side of the helmet from rotating forward and aft.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

    For me personally I view the originals as meant for just shooting the movie (short periods of wearing the suits). The way they put them together is just not practical for real world wearing and doing multiple troops. Just learned this past troop that you should be prepared to fix almost anything on a moments notice in the field, stuff just separates or breaks due to whatever. The ability to quickly fix it for the troop is what will allow you to have a great time putting smiles on faces.

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  2. 16 hours ago, Armoredfist5 said:

    Great!! :( Thank you LTM for the info. Would be nice if this came with instructions! Per AM’s recommended YouTube video, the guy (can’t remember his name) said it was normal for them to be different like that. Anything else you found wonky with your AM armor? On your pre-approval did they give a specific measurement from ear to cheek? I’m wondering if I could split the difference.

    This site is your instructions. :laugh1:


    Hardest part to understand is "one size fits all" and "its wonky".  Most of what you are going through has already been experienced by other troopers, make sure to check out other AM builds (each suit maker - AP, WTF, AM, etc... have their own issues) and keep asking questions. 


    For this lid, go with the measurement on the right side (it looks correct) and make the left side match as close as possible. Making the ears match on the slant will be a little challenge, but if you want l3 go ahead and bite the bullet now. Use screws and nuts to hold the face to back of lid as you might need to reposition a few times. Mine looks like swiss cheese under the ears.

    For a strap, I did not do that. Instead I did the hard hat liner from trooperbay and could not be happier. I tried the foam pads, but for me the lid was either pressing a little too much or wobbled from side to side.

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  3. That is how the helmet "wants" to go together, you need to make the left side match the right side. Once I did this to my helmet (AM btw), it made a big difference on fitting my head. 

    This issue was brought up in my pre-approval process:

    Corrected, you can see how much I moved it by looking at the hole. Hard part is knowing that the lid is "wonky" as per the originals



  4. Check some of the other AM builds, I am thinking you might want to lose the return on the cod (or at least some of that). Trooping with returns there can give you armor bites.

    When testing for fit, always wear your undersuit to get it accurate.  Have you trimmed anything off the kidney or abs in the picture above?

  5. Here is mine, hope it helps. You will see the top line of the plate does not follow the shin top, just not possible in my case. Note that the plate was thinned, this was to help stop it catching on the thigh. Make sure you attach with removable glue, you might need to re-position a couple of time after trooping. 



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  6. 15 hours ago, Acidedge said:

    the chest doesn’t seem to be sitting even. If I have it centered with the an plate, it’s not even on the sides, and the pec muscle in the chest isn’t even, a little lopsided. First question: is this normal with AM armor? Next question is how much of the shoulders should I trim back?

    Not an issue on the sides, look at the photos in centurion submissions. Thing to remember is the kit is "one size fits all", but you have to make it fit you - if that is trimming or adding shims. You are doing the testing correct with always wearing the undersuit.

    For the shoulders, this is what I did:

    Get the ab and back together. Then attach the back plate. Placing the front to the ab so the spacing is correct (the reveal), then I could see how the tabs between the two needed to be cut. You will have to adjust and cut them. I had to heat bend mine to get them to lay over, then I worked on the amount on each side to cut.


    In this photo, I was not wearing my undersuit (bad TK!), everything was taped so it was always moving around. Make sure to use gaffers tape if you can, that will help. The back piece was not pulled all the way up (as I didn't know I would have to heat bend the tabs to better fit).


    Keep up the good work and ask questions, we need more troopers for the empire!


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