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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Posts posted by msouza

  1. Welcome to the FISD Lee, Like Redforce said take a look around and explore. 

    I would start here! 


    3 hours ago, happilee12344 said:

    Will need a lot of help and tips to get this done to the 501st and my own high standards.

    To help with those high standards i'll point you here next! 

    Any other questions just ask. 

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  2. Welcome to the FISD Lou, Walt has a pretty fast turn around and makes a great kit ! While you wait make sure you check out the getting started link here!

    And dont forget to sign up with your local Garrison on the main site http://www.ga501st.com   You can meet your quad mates and check into armor parties as well. 

    Once BBB day comes start a build thread and post away (the more detailed the better) and we'll help out any way we can! 

    • Like 1
  3. Looks great, the only things I would try to do is get the left shoulder in a little bit more so it touches the shoulder strapping like the right one does, that could just be a adjustment for photos because it looks fine in the photos from the back and the left drop box can come up a bit as well. Also your going to have to add more paint to the frown. Take a look at the reference photos and you'll see what I mean. 


  4. Hey Shaun welcome to the FISD!! We'll all tell you the only thing more exciting then finally making the decision and ordering a set of armor is the day it arrives!!! 

    On 10/28/2017 at 6:40 PM, IrishPez said:

    I've spent literal hours over the last few days scouring these forums

    Purchasing a set of armor is a big decision but it sounds like your going at it the right way with a ton of research. I'm going to point you to this link here  the getting started forum will give you just about all the information you'll need to make sure you get what armor is right for you. Once thats done then make sure you read about taking your armor to the next level to EIB and Centurion here.


    Any questions feel free to ask! 

  5. 10 hours ago, The Snake said:

    - Who would be a good vendor to get the soft goods/accessories that AM doesn't provide?

    As far as undersuits, belts & other misc soft goods check here https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/18735-tk-resource-thread/ and also https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/31404-supply-list-for-your-tk-build/

    10 hours ago, The Snake said:

    - I don't trust myself with constructing the helmet correctly. If I decide not to get a helmet from AM, who would have the best option to match AM's armor?

    Building your helmet correctly is not as hard as you think and by the time you build your kit you almost don't think about it like that. And if you search armor building on youtube you can watch a few helmet / kits being built. Also most of the Armor makers use a little different shade of white and can be hard really hard to color match one to another. 

  6. Welcome Logan to the FISD, You can start a build thread here  https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/6-anh-stunt-and-hero/ . Breath deep & mark everything with a pencil take some pictures and ask if your unsure on anything! And you can also take a look at this link as well https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/35371-eib-and-centurion-what-do-these-terms-mean/  ATA is a great kit and can easaly be taken to EIB / Centurion level with just a little extra effort! I also know that Gary from Makazee Squad holds a lot of armor parties as well and it also gives you the chance to meet your squad mates and some very experianced builders that are more then willing to help you along the way


    Make sure you sign up on the Florida boards as well. http://www.fl501st.com


    Good luck in your build & See you around

    • Like 1
  7. Welcome to FISD Nate, 

    Looks like you've started down the right path and I would suggest you start here https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/38-getting-started-read-this-first/  

    And yes the issues that Anovos is having with shipments is well documented, its not that they don't make a great product it's just that they can't get it out on time. 

    Also realize with The last Jedi coming most of the makers will have a back log but when they tell you the date your kit is shipping then it ships! 

    Have fun with your build and any questions feel free to ask! 


  8. 2 hours ago, Carmekino said:

    research, research, research.

    Welcome Rebecca to the FIDS!  No truer word spoken! Check out the following link to get ahead start https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/38-getting-started-read-this-first/

    I also recommend https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/35371-eib-and-centurion-what-do-these-terms-mean/   to take that kit to the next level. 

    Any questions feel free to ask. 



  9. 23 hours ago, ljmorrow92 said:

    I stored my armor in a way that the chest piece has markings on it that I can’t seem to remove. Does anyone have a chest piece that they’re parting out and would sell to me? Thank you for your time and help! 


    Have you tried Novus polish? https://www.amazon.com/NOVUS-7100-Plastic-Polish-Kit/dp/B002UCYRZU/ref=sr_1_2/146-8318701-8753262?ie=UTF8&qid=1508516329&sr=8-2&keywords=novus+plastic+polish post some photos we might be able to help. 

    • Like 1
  10. Welcome Avi to the FISD!!! Sounds like your deep into modding your BS Bucket and yea it's very rewarding to take something modify it and be able to say yea i did that!! 

    As far as armor or anything else goes I highly recommend you start here https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/38-getting-started-read-this-first/ this will give you all the information you'll need to fulfill that dream of suiting up! Any questions feel free to ask! 

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