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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by R2Dan

  1. btw, these pics made me redo my legs once again, so I finally get rid of my left thigh riding over the kneeplate. I reopened the seam at the back on the thigh, refitted it slightly and also shortened the strap on both, so I can now get them just a little higher, which makes all the difference! The thigh is now high enough for the knee not to get caught anymore - score! :)


    Here is a dodgy pic:


  2. The grappling hook was recently done by Russrep - but I'm not happy with it as it's WAAY oversized. The belt box is scratchbuilt, vacformed box over some MDF and other weird stuff added to it. It's not functional


    Here's a pic:


    It's not completely screen accurate in size either, as I had to find a way to make the grappling hook look good and not ridiculously oversized. So the box is slightly oversized and deeper than it should be.

    I also added a black switch to it after that pic was taken.


    edit: New pic of the box:


  3. Hi guys! Some of you might have noticed the banner ObiHahn and I have had in our signature for a while now.

    Well, this project really came to life this weekend at our annual Garrison gathering at Legoland Germany.


    Not much to say, a pic of us both in our armour sparked the idea to do a Han and Luke team together, and that's what we came up with. It's both just Han and Luke "light", but some got it anyway.


    One thing about bubble lenses: They're a MAJOR pain in the backside! Half an hour of trooping in a hero lid will give you a whole world of headache sensation! But I guess you just have to suffer as a hero ;)


    Enough blabla - Here's some pics:








  4. taller tap then invert.


    I really like pauls motivation! his thinking about involving elements to foster acceptance

    and unity are very favorable compared to elitism or exclusionism.


    It's not about elitism and exclusionism, it's about leading by example. If we as FISD show high-quality Troopers up front, others might be encouraged to improve. That's all I was trying to say. Putting the FX guys up front is kinda shucksting all over the purpose of growing within the hobby and evolving as a group.


    Just because some of us don't praise every mediocre suit out there and give constructive criticism doesn't make us complaining elitists, it makes us honest. Being PC is all nice, but it can be taken way too far.

  5. I know people are going to hate me, but I have to say it: WHY did you put all those FX troopers in front? With FX lids even...

    Sorry, but you could have done so much better. Seeing our forum and the general strive for accuracy here - the FX lid has been frowned upon for years now! - putting them right in front for everyone to see just feels wrong.

  6. Hi guys!


    Some of you may know that I flew over to London a few weeks back and helped both sskunky and JoeR to form the very first helmets on Joe's moulds. We had some great fun forming all day, and you may have seen the mock-up lid I threw together in the workshop.

    Obviously I wouldn't leave without my very own kit - I know a lot of you still think ROTJ lids stink, but these are real beauties! Remember, these come from moulds directly cast from an original, and untouched as well! These lids are something special really!


    Anyway, enough talk, here are some pics of my build so far, the next update will take a while, but this is enough eye candy to start with I'd say ;)


    Here's how it started:




    And here's where I'm at now:


    Next to my TM trooping lid :)






    Now the waiting starts for decals, mic tips and bubble lenses...

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