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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by R2Dan

  1. Sorry Mark...



    edit: Thought I'd explain: There are two extremes to this argument, and a lot of people who are somewhere in between. Both sides have their fair points, also both sides seem to think they're on a holy mission, explaining all the tension.

    Still I think both sides have been clearly stated and there's not much you can do. Do you think this thread will give us new information? I highly doubt it. It'll simply turn into a shucksstorm and won't help either party.

  2. It's clear that whoever came up with this little doodle there is making fun of BOTH sides. Still I prefer to be our kind of nutter, especially because many custom Mandos look shucks regarding the costume quality.

    A lot of these costumes aren't about being individual, but about cutting costs - That's why you get guys with painted Rubies Fett lids and cardboard armor feeling like a "real badass"... :rolleyes:

  3. well, it's not your fault ;) I think tkrestonva has swapped them out with someone else's parts, looked ten times better.


    Here are some more recommendations, if you don't mind:

    - Your belt is sitting a little low, it should sit just below the "ridged button" bit on the abdomen.

    - I think you - as most AM wearers - have gotten the shins on the wrong legs. The one you have on your left leg with the kneeplate is actually the right shin, and vice versa. Looks a bit dodgy there. Try them on the other way, it should feel a lot better, too! Apparently the finishing strip on the back was put on the wrong side, giving the impression you're supposed to wear them like that...

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