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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Target92

  1. Glue some elastic inside of the shoulder bells, feed your arm through the elastic when gearing up, it will pull the shoulder bells onto your bicep armor.
  2. Just because it is bothering me, WHY IS THE RIGHT FOREARM SO WONKY!!!
  3. I am planning on reinforcing the canvas by placing two ABS strips underneath the straps for the drop boxes. With my experimenting it has shown a marked improvement for the belt in regards to rigidity, furthermore as long as the strips are properly trimmed they will not be visible!
  4. For the belt seeing as how the plastic button covers ARE the rivets I am considering patching up the holes and doing some slight reinforcement for the belt although it only really sags at the point where the drop boxes are hung on which, when it is attached to the ab plate, shouldn't be to bad.
  5. As long as you take it slow and be careful it isn't too much of a problem, mind you some parts are more annoying to trim than others (I swear I am still having flashbacks from the sniper plate). An annoying thing I have found though is that on some bits the cut line all but disappears unless you happen to get the shadows to cast themselves just right while praying to the great old ones (I find that either Cthulhu or Azathoth works best).
  6. While trimming my armor I have been noticing that the plastic is fairly thick. With some parts I have been having issues with the score and snap (luckily I grabbed some tin snips).
  7. I will be able to compare it with mine when it arrives tomorrow (I can see it now I am going to be spending all of my morning class with visions of TKs dancing in my head).
  8. This was posted as a recommendation on an Anovos builder group post, after double checking serial, I made sure to warn them away. https://www.etsy.com/transaction/1077557394 Conversation can be found in this link, were original purchaser confirms serial on mag well. https://www.facebook.com/groups/838545079553903/permalink/976212695787140/?comment_id=976222499119493&reply_comment_id=976223952452681&notif_t=group_comment_reply
  9. They even made sure to tell you how to do the TK Twist
  10. Going back a few posts the thing to remember about the Anovos TK Build group is that there are also already a few seasoned vets on this forum that I have spotted that are members who are ready and willing to make sure it is built right, and I have spent all day yesterday and have started doing the same today watching the TK 1636 videos on youtube as recommended by my local Garrison, it will come down to the individual how they build theirs, but Anovos did provide the kick in the rear to get me started, and I don't plan on taking too many shortcuts to get my armor done. As long as people remember the motto of the FISD "troopers helping troopers" then the Anovos armors should be able to proudly stand next to the ATAs, TMs, RSs, and other legion approved armors.
  11. Can someone who has the kit please take a picture of the plastic belt bit, I am curious to see if it has the 45o corners.
  12. Eh it is a glorified lighter, when I was overseas I had a lighter that did almost the exact same thing (I am surprised that I still had eyebrows after a few of the times I lit it.)
  13. Do not worry sskunky I will not make any more posts about shipping notifications until I get my shipping notification , out of curiosity can we get more detailed shots of the other components?
  14. April 26th and still waiting, what is going on with this shipping? I have seen stormtroopers with less blaster spread than these dates.
  15. Still waiting for info on my 26th order, I will be hard pressed not to just wear the bucket all day when it arrives.
  16. Woohoo with my Imperial Boots and Hyperfirm, I am well on the way to Centurion!
  17. Do not worry you are doing great things for the hobby!
  18. Since I am still a noob at spotting these things, what are the issues with the eye socket.
  19. It was pointed out on the Facebook thread that it has the S-shaped trim, and the belt has Chicago screws attaching the holster. It seems like they intended to make it easier to get the higher levels of approval.
  20. I have a HFx E-11, I ordered it back in October and got it mailed to me fairly quickly, my only issue is that there are what looks like bubbles between the T-tracks, and the harder to sand areas such as front of scope and the muzzle.
  21. And I am post celebration, so looking forward to living vicariously through peoples build threads.
  22. Soooo did anyone get an e-mail yet? I do have to say this point of the wait is the hardest due to the fact that it is so close, yet so far away. It feels like it could be in a galaxy, far, far away
  23. Anovos does go through and answer some of the replies on their Facebook page, it is through that that it was revealed they are planning on shipping starting next week, the order that items are shipped, and that the soft goods and the armor will be shipped separately.
  24. I am willing to bet they just weren't expecting the volume of orders they received, especially with the first 2 tiers, but word spread quick and they were swamped from the get go.
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