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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Quadan

  1. I ended up doing the SAME thing for my right AM 2.0 forearm
  2. Doing the shins but need help on this cornor.. How do I cut it to bend open the back to get my legs in?
  3. This back corner (both side. Left and right) is where my problems now are.
  4. And here are some links to other posts of mine that addressed other conserns I had. They have already been addressed but thought I would consolidate them here for easy reference as I am often scatter brained. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/30213-long-hair-and-helmets/ http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/30175-thigh-garters-from-gait-belt/ http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/30145-reading-about-mic-systems/ Http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/30277-cap-and-back-assembly-question/#entry387339 http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/30044-bottom-of-thighs-sit-mid-knee-cap/
  5. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=934434946597393&id=100000926906128&set=a.934434479930773.1073741833.100000926906128&source=56&ref=bookmark the shins.. as stated befor I have small legs.. real thin. So there will be alot of trimming. Also, the back top ridge is rather firm and makes it difficult to 'bend' any of the back to do a hook styled inclosure. im not sure if that will go away once i trim them up more and make the back flap more narrow or not. You may have noticed the bold black lines drawn. A few things I have discovered is that Dry Erase markers are my friend and that 2 inch wide paintered tape holds alot better then some clamps if you use it in a butt split fashion.
  6. https://m.facebook.com/quad.weigel/albums/933480760026145/?_rdr Thighs. I started with the thighs. As of right now one is drying and the other waiting to be glued. I only have so many clamps. It was sugested to use strong rare earth magnets to help in the hard to reach places. Saddly I can not use them as they will interfere with my pace maker. I have problems posting pics right on my tablet so I have set up facebook albums and will be linking them.
  7. Clamps and tape I can do, Magnates I can not, as I have a pace maker. And yup. You're right I should put all my Qs in one thread. Sorry for the scatterbrainess.
  8. I am having problems with the back connection assembly with my AM 2.0 shins. My SMALL legs means smaller, tighter shins and because of this, the solid ridge up top makes it a bit difficult for me to 'bend' the calves apart. I am worried this may interfere with the back calf inclusor and getting my leg in and out of it. What are your thoughts?
  9. Ok, so what are some suggestions for holding the Cap and Back together while glueing with E6k?
  10. Everything fits right now, but when I bend the leg that bottom ridge catches the back of my knee. Is it ok to trim a curve into tgat bottom ridge? I would do more cutting from the top but as it is now, its a great fit up there without having to cut the near looking return eadged thightops. also,, I noticed I posted in the wrong spot so moderators can move it where it needs to go, no probs
  11. ------------ Here are pics of the thighs! They have an interior of bossed along the outside that looks more suited for overlap construction.
  12. ---------- the thighs go from the back of my knees right up to my berries.. so I need to trim. Here is where I am thinking of trimming. Is this a good spot? (Zlong the ta of e line) also, what is the best way to make the right and left trim symetrical?
  13. Awsome. As long as its not a mistake im good!
  14. ------------- I am having much the same problem. The thighs go up tp my berries and to mid kneecap.. thinking of triming at the tape line.
  15. ----------- i got an album on FB and will be adding to it. For now here is a link to a few pics that I have concern with. Let me know what you guys think. the biceps left a d right sides do not mirror one another.
  16. those weren't the droids they where looking for. LoL
  17. Not sure where to put this post so Admins, feel free to move it if you need.. So I got long hair, past my shoulders and was wondering what the rest of you (that have long hair) do with your helmets? Myself am going to put it up in a bun when out trooping.
  18. Quadan

    For kids?

    It was somthing I came across and just thought Huh..
  19. Quadan

    For kids?

    your right, I got my scale sizing screwed up. Oh well. thanks for ruining my day! It happens.
  20. Quadan

    For kids?

    Any thoughts? Almost thinking of buying this and saving it for a rainy giveaway day... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sideshow-1-6-Star-Wars-Clone-Trooper-Fives-Echo-and-Fives-Perfect-Armor-Set-/171670148941?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27f856974d
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