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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by illusionz_09

  1. Today I was in a cutting mood of getting some of the rough cuts made. Again i did the score and snap method.


    I cut out the ammo pack



    Also did a rough cut of the shoulder straps




    Shoulders as well...




    And did the right thigh. Similar to the arms I am focusing on the return edges first and then I will size the sides later.




    And i also cut a rough cut of the sniper plate



    Naturally I have to clean everything up to get the edges where I want them and then do an nice even sanding. But I just wanted to get some stuff out of the way...

  2. Hmmmm...honestly you see green, but that is not really the biggest issue. If you have contacts on, seeing through the green lens isn't that big of an issue.

    Its still like seeing through sunglasses in relation to the lens view.

    as far as range of vision, thats a whole other issue. You really have to move your head around to actually get a full range of motion to look around.


    But your question here lies with wearing corrected eye wear. Contacts i have stated are good to go, personally that is the way i have to go; but as far as actual glasses those have problems. You can may try to get creative to wear them, but there is not that much space in there to get your head through with the glasses on and then let alone wear them inside the bucket.


    You shouldn't have any issue as long as you have your contacts on. There are a lot of troopers in your area. Ask you local garrison to see if you can meet with them and try on one of their buckets.


    Hope this helps.

  3. thanks for posting your inside paint job, my helmet is at about the same stage yours was and i felt i goofed because i already cut the eyes/teeth.


    everyone seems to use a blue masking tape and i just have a generic type so maybe i'll overkill on it and add more layers.

    glad to help.

    yea i was a bit mad at myself for the same reason, but once i taped it up i felt much better. Although hindsight, doing it first would definitely make it easier lol.


    I'm sure any tape "should" work, its just that masking tape is made for that.

    Good luck! I'll keep an eye out for your build.

  4. I was working on my forearms first...

    after i cut it to where i wanted, i did a nice sanding for the edges.



    then i taped them up so check if they fit as needed.





    fit them on to see the status.

    As expected, the left forearm fits nice and snug, whereas the right arm may need some slight foam inserts.




    Now that I had the forearms, more or less, where i wanted them, i created the strips. In order to do proper modifications, the left arm i made the strip 15 mm and the right arm since its a bit looser and i want to squeeze it a bit, i did it closer to 14 mm.



    One at a time to assemble though, 

    first i began focusing on the left arm since i know it fits perfect.



    And now glued (E600) and clamped to leave overnight.


    • Like 1
  5. I originally wasn't going to create a thread for my armor build, but since it was really helpful for when I made my bucket, I decided to do one.

    Please feel free to shime in and critique anything so I don't mess up lol...


    Well, first using a dremel I did a really rough trim on the large pieces (chest, abdomen, back, kidney, butt)




    However, it is really messy and really loud (i.e. wifey sleeping while im working on armor at night)....so I decided i should tackle the arms first by using my utility knife and x-acto blade.

    My main goal first is to work on the inside/return edges first, then i will work on the joining sides to get them the right size.

    I used the score and snap method...its actually a very good and clean way of doing it.



    I did it for both biceps and both forearms. I first snapped and then cleaned them up with my x-acto. I still need to do a light sanding to them to give them a clean and smoother finish.





    Now that my edges are to my liking (more or less, i may have to adjust one i start officially fitting them), next is to make my strips to work on the joining of the pieces

    • Like 2
  6. that seems like it would work for basic approval.

    But definitely would "tweeking" for EIB.

    and of course, if you want to go centurion, then this blaster will NOT work.


    So completely up to you. 

    I agree with Scott above, you might as well get the Hasbro Blaster and do the minor conversion. That way you will be good to go for EIB status at least.

    • Like 1
  7. Dang it, consider me jealous. Fantastic job and great recovery! Now if I can get my kids to stop acting like Bebe's Kids when I get home, I could focus more time on my build. The past few nights my wife has told me to not even think about touching my build.  :angry:

    lmfao thats hilarious...yea that will be me soon, my wife is due in 2 months. So i'm trying to get it all done before the baby comes.




    thanks for the help and support guys.

    • Like 2
  8. I was starting to work on my armor now that my bucket is done and i had a question about my ATA armor, actually 2 questions.


    1. Do both forearms have the same amount of the indentation holes? I have heard that they are suppose to be different, but both of mine have 11 indentations. They both have a slightly different shape which shows they are made for different arms, but they have the same amount of holes. I want to make sure that is normal for ATA armor.


    2. Both my biceps have that little thumb print. I spoke to Caveman, which is Centurion, and he informed me that only the left bicep should have this indentation mark on it. What is normal for ATA?

    Are both suppose to have it in this build?


    Please let me know. If i think of any other questions I won't hesitate to ask.



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