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Dark PWF

Detachment Staff[Staff]
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Posts posted by Dark PWF

  1. This looks pretty handy, what's the side sander for?

    If you're not careful, it can be used for removing large chunks of flesh from fingers.  At least that's what I've heard.   ;)  Theoretically, it is pretty painful if that happens, again not that I would know personally.  


    (Seriously, I do know from experience, and it totally hurts.  LoL.  Make sure that you stay aware of that spot and if you have a guard for that one, ensure that it stays in place!  I have the same model that Kalani showed above, and my guard vibrated off of the table in between parts, causing the bloody accident.)


    As everyone has said, I also agree that using two hands on the plastic with the table-top is the way to go.

  2. I don't think so at all. Basically this new kit is correcting all the flaws the prototype had. The detonator is much more accurate for example. 

    I think that looking at it, you're both right.


    The Detonator definitely looks to be more accurate in some ways, but the wrist/commo boxes on the inside of the forearms look like they'll be slightly less accurate, since they're molded directly onto the forearms, as opposed to added on separately.


    I agree that there will be much sharper details and cleaner lines in the kit than the prototype/marketing kits had, but as Paul said, the way that they're molded may reduce a bit of detail here and there.

  3. Jon,


    How long has it been since you reached out to them?  Please keep in mind that this is not how they earn their living.  Since you mentioned the larger trooper friendly kits, there are two that I immediately think of.  One of them is usually pretty quick to respond, the other can take a week or two because he travels a lot for work.


    if it hasn't been two weeks, I wouldn't worry too much about it just yet.  If you want to get into specifics, feel free to shoot me a PM.


    Hang in there, we'll see you white and shiny yet.  ;)



    • Like 3
  4. Are we going to apply this to HWT as well? Because for Centurion it is still listed as required. ;)

    Yes, it will apply to HWT.  There is a glitch in the Legion forum's editing permissions that has to be fixed first.  Once that is done, I'll be updating that wording as well.

    • Like 3
  5. so, this is Optional now!?.... with or without the notches are approve EIB and Centurion...

    Some armor kits have the notches in them when they are made.  This provides guidance for builders of those kits, without confusing things or causing problems for those who do not have them, but may wish to add them, or may choose not to add them.


    Yes, the notches are optional, and the diagram you shared is correct in its interpretation of the CRL.

  6. Greetings Jon, and welcome to the FISD!!!


    It is definitely an exciting journey, and you've got a great Garrison there in Alabama.  A lot of top-notch people, for sure.  I am always happy to see posts about new members in Alabama, because it is where I got my start in the Legion as well.  Where in Alabama are you living?

  7. Back in April, we held rather lengthy discussion and vote processes with regards to a CRL change to the kidney notches.


    As of today, 1 November 2016, the change discussed and voted on by the membership of FISD has been put in place, and it is now effective.


    With the new wording, the notches are not required, but are more clearly defined for Troopers and would-be Troopers who need to put shims in their armor.


    The new wording of the CRL, with regard to the Kidney Notches is:

    Cut-out notches at the bottom of right and left sides of the Kidney Armor are optional

    • If present, each notch is approximately 22 mm tall and the back of the notch ideally is aligned with the front edges of the Posterior Armor plate.
    • Like 10
  8. gallery_18732_76_7396.jpg





    In Memoriam
    From the DL
    Around the Detachment
    Notable Troops
    Just For Fun
    Advanced Tactics Awards
    Follow FISD




    Samuel "Kessel Run" Kisselburg TK-85254






    When I heard of Sam's passing it was a real downer for me. Sam was the previous PRO and was one of those that showed me the ropes of doing the Newsletter. He also helped to get my foot in to the figurative door to contribute my first Q&A Newsletter article a few years back. Without Sam the newsletter wouldn't be what it is today. It was also shocking to realize that the messages I sent to him (talking about his love for modeling the Battlestar Galactica ships) were also not too long ago.


    It is indeed a great loss to the community and the 501st and I will always consider him my family despite being miles apart. But what I'll remember him most was that he loved his daughter, family, and friends dearly.


    If anyone has any personal experience with Sam please share them in the comments below so we can celebrate his life.



    Rest in Peace Sam and may the Force be with you always.


    Buckets off troopers.


    With Unquestioned Loyalty,

    Evan Loh
    TK-24127 "Holnave"
    FISD Public Relations Officer




    Greetings One and All!


    So we have now passed the mid-point of this Legion year and as typically happens, life jumps up and gets in the way of plans and commitments for some of our esteemed colleagues.  


    Having said that, have you - the reader at home (or at work if you're here on Earth-bound company time like me) - found yourself asking yourself:


         "Self, wouldn't it be cool to be involved with the FISD in a larger capacity?  I mean, to help make all of the cool stuff happen for everyone, even more than I do by posting my super awesome build thread, and welcoming people here all of the time?"


    If you've caught yourself asking that very question - or maybe one that is dramatically similar in tone/content - If you believe that you have the necessary skills, commitment, and desire to make an even larger difference to the global community of Imperial Stormtroopers than you already do, then I'm making an open invitation to all of you to reach out to us here on the Detachment Staff and let us know if you can be of assistance for remainder of the year (through February of 2017).


    We have had a rather large injection of Darth Life in our Imperial Propaganda Ministry (IPM) and our Web Team, so if you have skills that fit those bills, we'd love to hear from you.


    Our Newsletter team has put together an incredibly fun issue for you to enjoy this month.


    Be sure to read it all the way through because even though they're a little depleted right now, they've continued to raise the bar in what they do here every month.  I'm always blown away by how they consistently manage to find more great content to share with you.  Of course, that content by and large comes from what each and every one of you do on a daily basis out there in the name of the Empire, so the more you share what you have been up to the easier it is for them to find those hidden gems.


    So, Since it is Halloween...


    Be sure to spread the love of costuming, and give compliments and kudos to all of those kids and their parents who show up with a costume today/tonight.  Perhaps the praise that you give some child today will plant a seed in them that grows into a full-fledged love of costuming and looking for any opportunity to don a cool costume at any time, to make someone else's day just a little bit brighter.


    Speaking of Making Someone Else's Day a Little Brighter...


    TK4205 made a post last night, that shared a situation which is very worthy of every bit of day brightening that we are capable of sharing.  Take a look at his post right here CALLING ALL FAVORS and see if there is something that you, or someone that you know can do to help out with this one.


    Okay, the Real World Beckons...


    I have a few bits of work to slag through, and then I have to stop and buy some candy to distribute tonight, because there is at least one adult (who may or may not be the DL here) in my house that cannot be trusted to not eat the Trick or Treat Candy prior to Halloween.  Have a great time out there Troopers, and be sure to get some great pictures of the festivities that you encounter, so that you can share them with everyone in the coming days.


    In the next two months, we are going to be inundated with Troop requests for events surrounding the release of Rogue One - A Star Wars Story, and many other events as the Christmas season approaches.  Keep your focus on why you do what we do, because we all have our own reasons for doing our awesomely nerdy and cool plastic spaceman gig.  Have fun out there, and be safe.  Make someone's day brighter and for a little while, make their life a little bit better along the way.  Pay it forward.  We are truly fortunate to have the opportunities that we have, and together we change lives in small and large ways.  Some of the impact that we have, we will never know about at all.


    One last note before I close this one up:


    Our list of EIB and Centurion Applications and awards continues to grow at an amazingly awesome rate!  Thanks to Andrew (Sly11) and Tony (UKSWRATH) for their diligenceand hard work in making these awards possible for all of you amazing applicants, who are doing the truly daunting work of building and/or upgrading your armor so that you can make the best possible impression of the Star Wars universe for fans all over the world!

    Until next time!

    With Unquestioned Loyalty,

    Tim Waychoff
    TK-51878 "Dark CMF"
    Detachment Leader









    Do you find yourself on the FISD site way more than you ever thought you would?  Do you like helping new folks and sharing your knowledge of all things Shiny White Armor related? 


    You may be just the person we need in the Imperial Attache program!  We are looking for motivated, knowledgeable Troopers to get involved with assisting new recruits and present TKs with a wide range of needs and information. No, you don't have to be an armor "expert" by any means, but the more you know the more it will help. In addition we also offer advice and encouragement to potential EIB and Centurion candidates, but it is not necessarily a requirement that you be at those levels to join the Attaches.


    If you would like more information, please check out this thread:  http://www.whitearmo...ttaché-program/, and if you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me via PM.  To find your local Attache, they are listed here:  http://www.whitearmo...l-attache-list/


    That being said, 


    On behalf of the FISD, it is my privilege and honor to welcome the following new members to the Imperial Attache program! These Troopers are a highly valued part of the FISD,  and are here to help, so contact them if you need assistance.


                             Name                          Screen name                                     Unit


    AUGUST           Kalani                         kman                                                  SoCal Garrison

                             Paul                            Strength                                              Star Garrison


    SEPTEMBER    Christian                     Novak Dimon                                       German Garrison

                             Gary                           Sentry71                                              Midwest Garrison

                             Caleb                          dejango                                               Alaskan Outpost

                             Brian                           Bulldog44                                            Japan Garrison

                             Shawn                         CrookKnight                                        Carolina Garrison

                             Dave                           ComradeDave                                     Canadian Garrison

                             Preston                       Pretzel                                                 Garrison Carida

                             Chris                           themaninthesuitcase                           United Kingdom Garrison



    OCTOBER        Christoph                    Ripper_L                                             German Garrison  (Custodes Euroi Squad)  




    So (after what seems like ages), you finally received your official 501st I.D. number and signed up for your first Troop.  Now what?


    Depending on the event, there may be a few differences in protocol.  For instance, a "Canon" event (usually one authorized by LFL or Disney) may be more serious in nature and regimented, while other times we are there to make the occasion a lot more fun, (parades, movie premiers, etc.).


    Here are a few basics to think about in regards of what (and what not) to do on your inaugural appearance with your local Garrison.  Of course, all events are different..  some will be indoors, some will be outdoors, or a combination of the two.. some will have just a few members, others may have over a hundred, but the basics stay the same.


    This list is by no means meant to be complete, so all Troopers are welcome to add their own ideas, tips and fun things to do!


    1.  Before you leave-  If you have not had the chance to wear your armor for any length of time, put it on (including your bucket) and wear it around the house and maybe in your yard for a while.  This will give you an idea of your range of vision, your movement limitations, and let you know what you are in for.


    2.  Be prepared-  Double (and triple) check your armor to make sure you have all your accessories and all your connections are secure before leaving your house.  I would suggest carrying a small repair kit in your bin as well, with items like white duct tape, CA glue with accelerator, etc.  There is a great thread here for this:  http://www.whitearmo...ency-troop-kit/


    2.  BE ON TIME-  I cannot stress this enough.  When you sign up for a troop, they will have an arrival time, (usually an hour or so before), and a "step off" time.  The hour gives you the chance to get your armor on, and make any adjustments.  There should be "handlers", but any fellow Trooper will be glad to help you out.  The POC (point of contact) person for the troop or event coordinator will give you any details you might need beforehand, (directions, special notes).  Feel free to ask them any specific questions.  If you have any concerns, let your handler or the person in charge know about these.  They are there to help.


    3.  Be aware of you surroundings-  Due to the limited visibility in a bucket, watch out for curbs, steps, obstacles, etc.  Small children will often run up to you and stand closely, so be aware that they may be right below you and cannot be seen.


    4.  Photos-  You will be asked (sometimes hundreds of times) "Can I take a picture with you"?   Be patient, and get used to it!  But be aware of where your arms are to avoid touching anyone inappropriately.  Often, people will ask "Can I hold your gun"?  That is entirely up to you.  A lot of us have spent a great deal of time building our weapons, and they (especially the resin cast) can be damaged if dropped.  Many of us carry Hyperfirms for this reason.


    If you don't want to let someone hold it, you can say something to the effect of "The Emperor forbids it" or "It's against Imperial regulations".

     Side note Never, EVER point your blaster at a child for any reason.  This is just in really bad taste.


    5.  Hydration-  Another item that is VERY important, especially in warmer areas and extended troops.  FISD legend Steve (gazmosis) wrote a great post on this subject, and it is used here (with permission):


      "Big troops, big crowds, lots of kids, lots of chances to show off your hard work. With the hot weather, there are also lots of chances to be become quickly dehydrated and sick. Don't let this happen!!


    There is no greater cooling system than hydration. But drinking a crap ton of water is not the solution....it's how and when you drink it that is.

    Let's be clear here!!! We are talking about WATER! Not soda, not energy drinks, not juice. WATER...H2O. Leave the Gatorade in the cooler for after the troop.

    Proper hydration should begin a full day prior to a hot troop. Steady intake of water (8-16 oz. an hour) is fine. Too much water at one time can actually be harmful but a slow and steady intake will allow the body to properly absorb and distribute it until you are hydrated down to a CELLULAR level. Yes, you will be in the bathroom a lot. But when the pee is clear...you are there! Continue this until just before bedtime.

    On the day of your troop, avoid coffee and other caffeinated drinks that can dehydrate you. Your bathroom trips will have evened out overnight. Have one more bottle or serving of water before suiting up. Once in your suit, you will sweat. No matter what fans you have in your lid....you will sweat. THIS is your cooling system. If you are properly hydrated, you will have the fluids so that your body will adjust to the rise in temperature and cool itself properly. If not, your body will use the water in it twice as fast and without the proper reserves, you will risk not only dehydration but elevated internal temps, dizziness, and possible heat stroke.

    The long and short of it is be safe and smart. We need out troopers vertical!!!!!"


    On that subject, if you do feel dizzy or need a break, tell your handler immediately.


    6.  Changing areas-  Most events will have a secure and private changing area, but some may not, so ask ahead of time.  If it happens to be an outside area, you can wear your under suit to the event underneath your clothes.


    7.  Armor bin storage-  Again, most troops will have a secure area designated to store your armor bin, away from the public.  If this is the case, you are fine.  Some have asked "Do I need to keep it locked during the troop"?  That's up to you.  We tend to be a very honest bunch, treat each other's belongings like our own and keep an eye out for one another.  (I have never felt the need to lock mine).  If it is a parking lot suit up, that's a different story.


    8.  Conduct-  Have a blast on your troop, but keep it civil.  Some Troopers clown around a bit occasionally (myself included) depending on the circumstances, but remember, you are a representative of the 501st Legion, the FISD, and your Garrison/Squad, so act accordingly.  When in doubt, ask someone who has done that event before.


     Side note:  If you happen to be a smoker, please do not do it in public view while in armor. 


    9.  Handlers-  Handlers are an absolutely integral part of a troop, and make our lives much easier.  They take photos for the public, warn us of obstacles, escort us to the restrooms/break areas, pick up fallen armor pieces, protect us from kids smacking us with toy lightsabers, guard our stuff, bring us water, keep us informed, and a myriad of other things.  After your troop, be sure to thank them for all they do to make an event possible and allow those in costume to have a better time.


    Most importantly of all....... HAVE FUN!!!!!    :duim:



    With Unquestioned Loyalty


    Joseph P.

    TK-10963  "justjoseph63"

    FISD Ambassador 





    Natalie & Daniel Tie The Knot


    More here: http://www.whitearmo...e-knot-yanchep/

    By: gmrhodes13, TK85421

    Salt Lake Comic Con 501st Group Photo



    More here: http://www.whitearmo...st-group-photo/

    By: T K, TK91091

    Weird Al Concert w Garrison Tyranus

    More here: http://www.whitearmo...rrison-tyranus/

    By: tkrestonva, TK2918

    501st at Amazing Houston Comic Con

    More here: http://www.whitearmo...ston-comic-con/

    By: SkulShurtugalTCG, TK69004

    With Unquestioned Loyalty,

    Glen "Q" Rhodes
    TK-85421 "gmrhodes13"
    Imperial Propaganda Department




    It's that time of year again, and I know what many of you are thinking, "What can I do as a Stormtrooper to annoy children?"  Well I'm glad you asked!
    Here's a list of activities you might consider, to make the most of your awesome Stormtrooper armour, this Halloween:
    The Carbonite
    Stand in front of your house motionless. The key here is to wait until after the kids have received candy. Confident the experience is over, this is when they're most vulnerable. This is the time suddenly coming to life, and shouting "LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE!!!" will have it's greatest impact. Watch them run down the street squealing . . . capes and wings flapping in the wind.
    White Ops
    Wait 'til your friend's at the door handing out candy, then appear behind them briefly. Just enough time for the kids to see you, then disappear. "There! Behind you!", never gets old. Repeat the process for added hilarity, and watch the kids' frustration increase.
    Bucket of Candy
    Have a friend answer the door, utilizing your helmet as a candy bowl. Walk over in full armour exclaiming "There it is!", and put it on your head. Allow some candy to fall out as you place it on your head for greater comedic effect.
    TK Mindtrick
    This is pretty basic, but never gets old. Simply answer the door in your armour, and no matter their insistance, refuse to acknowledge or confirm you're a Stormtrooper.  When they shout "Stormtrooper!" (They will. They ALWAYS do.), you can reply "Where?". Escalate as appropriate. A nice addition to this is to have a friend join you at the door and also refuse to acknowledge a Stormtrooper. It's even better if they happen to be a Stormtrooper too! Have them casually enter the doorway from somewhere else in the house . . . maybe wearing a housecoat over their armour.
    Frustrate your neighbours!
    Go door to door in your neighbourhood, without children, ringing doorbells and asking questions ("Have you seen any droids?", "Tell us where the rebels are hiding!", "Can you give me directions to the Death Star?", etc.) The key here is to stay in character and refuse any candy. Just ask questions, seem annoyed when they interrupt you with offers of candy, and eventually just walk away. It's tough to resist delicious candy, but it's way funnier. Let's face it, this is the one day a year we can go door to door as a Stormtrooper, I say we take advantage.
    Happy Halloween everyone!

    With Unquestioned Loyalty,

    TK-66668 "MechaPumpkin"
    FISD Deputy Public Relations Officer



    This month the 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment would like to congratulate:

    Expert Infantry Badge Award:


    Timothy Jones "TeaJay" TK-12864

    Rui Fernandes "Danone32" TK-32428

    Sean Mynster "DeceptiSean" TK-21115

    Mike Larsen "Sam Crow" TK-22187

    Sean Barber "Count Chocula" TK-77019

    Sarah Bailey "Alay" TK-20466

    Dave Polewski "Comrade Dave" TK-22788

    Shawn Cantey "CrookKnight" TK-10204

    Rasmus Puranen "Myys" TK-30773

    Dennis Maloom "NINJAM0VE" TK-16112

    Kurt Heydenburg "Lord Dark Helmet" TK-61673

    Michael Avina "Addertime" TK-11427

    Jay Piazza "Heavy Metal" TK-69937

    Mike Kraemer "Nukem25rs" TK-71508

    Ken Sigler "TrooperKen(TK)" TK-14174

    Daniel Ley "ratzfatz10" TK-51809

    Andy Price "andylah" TK-42542

    Pawel Oortwijn "Xinx" TK-11131

    Robert Forster "Moofmilker" TK-31666

    Jamie Park "Crema" TK-96302

    Jon Thielmann "Coloursergeant" TK-12513


    Centurion Award:


    Darren Mullen "Darren TK-11916" TK-11916

    Carlos Mendoza "Solcar23" TK-5924

    Dale Evans "squaddiechef" TK-23812

    Tom Rogers "TK-Tom" TK-19764

    Kai Bartels "TK-71715" TK-71715

    Manny "Daelma" TK-22011

    Víctor Guzman "Traumtrooper" TK-19811

    Theo van Geffen "ScaryGuy" TK-31026

    Sean Mynster "DeceptiSean" TK-21115

    Scott Williams "TK16390" TK-16390

    Sean Barber "Count Chocula" TK-77019

    Dennis Maloom "NINJAM0VE" TK-16112

    Sarah Bailey "Alay" TK-20466

    Rasmus Puranen "Myys" TK-30773

    Mike Larsen "Sam Crow" TK-22187

    Michael Avina "Addertime" TK-11427

    Ken Sigler "TrooperKen(TK)" TK-14174

    Rebecca S. Beiderwell "Sharkbait" TK-29118


    Stand tall and be proud of what you have achieved troopers. You will now be deployed into the First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment Advanced Tactics Roster.


    May you be an inspiration and beacon for aspiring troopers who want to look the best!


    Make us proud troopers!

    The FISD is always looking for new applicants for our Advanced Tactics program so please do not hesitate to apply if you meet the standards! Our Deployment Officer and armorers are here to help and guide you through to success!

    Feel like your armor is up to standards and worth of recognition? Apply for the Expert Infantry Badge Program now!

    Want to go the extra mile, raise the standards of Stormtrooper armor, and be the envy of your peers? Apply for the Centurion Program now!

    Note: Applicants need to be EIB approved before applying for Centurion.



    With Unquestioned Loyalty,

    Evan Loh
    TK-24127 "Holnave"

    FISD Public Relations Officer




    Don't Forget We're on Facebook and Twitter!

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/whitearmor
    If you're on FB, stop by and say hi, ask questions, and share stories!

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/FISD501st or @FISD501st
    follow FISD on Twitter!

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/501stfisd

    With Unquestioned Loyalty,

    Evan Loh
    TK-24127 "Holnave"
    FISD Public Relations Officer

    On behalf of the 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment Command Staff and the Imperial Propaganda Department,

    <End Transmission>

    • Like 6
  9. Greetings Albert, and welcome to the FISD (And to the North Texas Squad area of the Star Garrison)!!


    I'm confident that you will find that even though the geography of your story may be unique, that the emotions and the connection to the movies is indeed, a very common experience here amongst Legion members.


    It sounds as if you've been doing your research, keep doing that research.  It will absolutely help you when that big brown box arrives soon!


    If you're on facebook, shoot me a message (Tim Waychoff, in Keller) and say who you are, and I'll get you connected to the local,folks here in the Star Garrison's Imperial Academy.


    Again, welcome aboard!

  10. It actually appears to me that the "ridge" or cap piece around the top of the shin is a separate piece that is attached to the top of the shins.


    If that is the case, I imagine that doing it that way allowed for better customization of the fit of the armor to the individual trooper.


    Thoughts?  Does anyone else see what I'm seeing, or do you see something different?

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