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Dark PWF

Detachment Staff[Staff]
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Posts posted by Dark PWF

  1. Kevin and Peter are obviously not working in concert here, so planning in that regard wasn't happening. Peter offered up however many kits he chose to send out not at any suggestion of anyone here, but completely of his own free will. There is no grand scheme or plan in place here. There were accusations made by Kevin, and during the attempt to cool the high temperature nature of the ensuing discussions, Peter offered to send out kits for evaluation, free of charge.


    People are being directed here, because we don't want anymore explosive dialogue opening up in the build threads that these members are sharing with the community. We will be opening a thread for comparison discussions to take place, out of respect for the builders, and the makers. FISD is not going to explode into a firefight across these threads.


    I have publicly stated on a number of occasions that this will not be done quickly, that the process that emerged will run its course. I don't want it rushed so everyone can sit back and say "See, I was right." I want it done properly. We should all want it done properly. Properly takes time.


    As for what Evin has chosen to do with the armor... He is donating it to a friend. That's his choice, and I'll leave that at that. It is what it is.  It is well outside of the control of the FISD, and we are not running this process, merely facilitating it.

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  2. A number people who are receiving the kits from FN were a handful,of names offered up by the staff as experts in the art of examining armor, based on demonstrated past experience.


    Others were selected by Peter himself, based on them holding various positions within their respective Garrisons, and to the best of my knowledge all have agreed to use the completed armor as a donation or some other use for charity after it is built.


    Per the letter of the agreement, nobody (EDIT:  Nobody who is doing the evaluating/building) is receiving free armor as a result of this process taking place.


    Kevin has agreed to send parts out (to Glen, so far) for a direct, in-hand comparison of the two kits.

  3. I am aware of at least two people on opposite ends of our globe having received their FN Armor kits. We are still continuing the process that we started. As previously mentioned, this won't be fast and painless. Additionally, for what it is worth, Peter has said that he has suspended sales of his kits in the mean time, while this process continues.. While there is no way for us to be certain that he has or has not sold any, I think it is worth mentioning here that he has made this statement.

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  4. With my run last year, the international orders all (except for two - which needed some address confirmation/intervention) were received before I had received the US shipments. In all likelihood, the international orders will be delivered before Joseph has received the US orders.

  5. Looking better.  No issue with the snaps being seen on the butt plate, they're on the outside of the armor.  They're going to (potentially) be seen.  :D


    I'd still suggest bringing your biceps up further.  When you raised the shoulders, the biceps already needed to come up.  They still need to come up further.  Have a look at the photo gallery here, some screen shots, and the EIB/Centurion approvals.  You'll be able to get a good idea for how the pieces should fit together when worn.


    To get the best advice, you'll always want to do your test fitting over your undersuit, even if it is an inconvenience at the time.  We all do the same thing that you've done - put it on over whatever we're wearing when we're working on it - but to get the proper idea, you'll want it tested as you're going to wear it.  It will make a difference in what we see.  :D


    Trimming the return edges down a bit on that kidney plate will also help it to pull a little tighter.  Naturally, wearing the belt - when it is worn properly - will pull and keep everything tighter on you as well. 

    It looks like you're making very good progress and slowly (perhaps) but surely, you're getting there!  Keep up the good work, Chris!!

  6. This discussion took place on Friday among members of the Detachment staff.  

    We are working things.  We don't pay lip service to quiet things down.  There are some things however that are better left discussed amongst ourselves, for the benefit of the mood and overall feeling of the forums.  Much like I stated that the rhetoric by members needed to be toned down, the staff won't have potentially heated discussions publicly.  


    We close the door to the well stocked FISD Conference Room, sit in the big comfy chairs, and read stuff on the big screens while having lightsaber battles with laser pointers when nobody else is paying attention.

    We will allow the process that we have started to run its course, and won't rush to anything without allowing people ample time to answer our questions.  As new questions come up, an appropriate allowance will be made for answers to be provided.  This won't be quick or painless, but we will do it properly.


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